Some of my favorite memories of twenty-eleven:
In January it snowed A LOT so we went snowboarding and Abby got engaged!
February made me lol and we went to D.C.- will always be one of my favorite weekends of college. We were fist pumping on Today's Letters!
I love every post of March.
I ran a half marathon in April. I might still be sore:) Apparently I also went on Spring Break a month late. For sure a Spring Break I'll never forget. Knoxville became Mega-Storm central and I stayed up until 4 for the Royal Wedding.
In May, there was that Big News Weekend and lots and lots of adventures.
Blogging is hard to do in June. But I did my best documenting our fun times and of course Abby and Andy's wedding.
I skipped blogging in July my parents celebrated their 25th anniversary in August. I also held onto summer for as long as I could.
September as always has my favorite weekend of the year- Boomsday. We went to STC for leadership weekend. Awesome. I turned 22! And I kept on livin' the summer life.
October was full of our dear love Pinterest and pumpkins.
Fun weekends and RT4 and camping and days in the dark and Thanksgiving were November's adventures.
December had Formal and Chickfila opening and of course Christmas.
Wow. What a fast year. But a good one. So many new things. So many adventures. Such a blessed life.
May 2012 be just a incredible! (and not world ending)
Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
2012 Bucket List
For your listening pleasure while you read. Ya know, since this is our last year or life and all. Psh, yeah right.
I figure if this is my last year to live (insert sarcasm here), I might as well make a list of all the things I wanna do this year. I'm sure I'll feel the need to add on, but this is it for now!
Kiss under the mistletoe. Might as well take advantage of that hanging greenery, right?
Be a "regular" somewhere. (Although I think Tyler knowing our drink orders- and names!- every Thursday night at Steak 'n Shake might be as close as I get). But I wanna be able to "have the usual."
Own an iphone. Once they make them a little less fragile.
Freaking finish an entire tube of chapstick instead of losing it.
Surf. Gnarly.
And jump the wake on the wakeboard. So close... yet so, so far away.
New Years in Times Square. My friends did it and complained about standing up for 14 hours straight. But I have much more endurance than them.
Write in wet cement. Rebel.
Solve a Rubix cube. A (blonde) girl can dream, right?
Skydive. Duh.
Take a homeless person to dinner.
Spend an entire day watching Disney movies. This can happen over Christmas break. I have no doubt.
I'm pretty confident it's time to start (wish I'd never stopped) training for another half. Who's with me this time??
Eat at In-n-Out.
Celebrate every holiday.
Knit a scarf. AND finish.
Shoot a gun.
Watch a meteor shower. Coool.
Eat pizza in Chicago and NYC. Then form my own opinion on which is best.
Spend the night on top of Max Patch without a tent. Oh hey stars.
Play tennis. Love.
Read. A lot. (Give me some recommendations! I gotta fill this Kindle up!)
Be intentional. Be intentional. Be intentional.
Figure out how to rock skinny jeans. Just. Can't. Do. It.
Read through the whole Bible (again).
Less time on "things" more time on people.
Change a life.
Ride a mechanical bull. I mean this in a total not trashy way. Are mechanical bulls trashy? I think they probably are. But I wanna do it.
Swim in the ocean at night. Insert Jaws theme song here.
Seize every opportunity.
This is still one of my favorite posts ever. And I'd love to (try to) keep these resolutions in good ol' 2012.
I figure if this is my last year to live (insert sarcasm here), I might as well make a list of all the things I wanna do this year. I'm sure I'll feel the need to add on, but this is it for now!
Kiss under the mistletoe. Might as well take advantage of that hanging greenery, right?
Be a "regular" somewhere. (Although I think Tyler knowing our drink orders- and names!- every Thursday night at Steak 'n Shake might be as close as I get). But I wanna be able to "have the usual."
Own an iphone. Once they make them a little less fragile.
Freaking finish an entire tube of chapstick instead of losing it.
Surf. Gnarly.
And jump the wake on the wakeboard. So close... yet so, so far away.
New Years in Times Square. My friends did it and complained about standing up for 14 hours straight. But I have much more endurance than them.
Write in wet cement. Rebel.
Solve a Rubix cube. A (blonde) girl can dream, right?
Skydive. Duh.
Take a homeless person to dinner.
Spend an entire day watching Disney movies. This can happen over Christmas break. I have no doubt.
I'm pretty confident it's time to start (wish I'd never stopped) training for another half. Who's with me this time??
Eat at In-n-Out.
Celebrate every holiday.
Knit a scarf. AND finish.
Shoot a gun.
Watch a meteor shower. Coool.
Eat pizza in Chicago and NYC. Then form my own opinion on which is best.
Spend the night on top of Max Patch without a tent. Oh hey stars.
Play tennis. Love.
Read. A lot. (Give me some recommendations! I gotta fill this Kindle up!)
Be intentional. Be intentional. Be intentional.
Figure out how to rock skinny jeans. Just. Can't. Do. It.
Read through the whole Bible (again).
Less time on "things" more time on people.
Change a life.
Ride a mechanical bull. I mean this in a total not trashy way. Are mechanical bulls trashy? I think they probably are. But I wanna do it.
Swim in the ocean at night. Insert Jaws theme song here.
Seize every opportunity.
This is still one of my favorite posts ever. And I'd love to (try to) keep these resolutions in good ol' 2012.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
We Wish You a Merry Christmas!
The Crawford house becomes a whirlwind of wrapping paper, a chorus of "ohh I LOVE it"s, and an explosion of joy on Christmas morning. I love every minute of it.
A little look into the 25th of December at our house:
5:45 a.m.- Addie wake me up to tell me in detail about a dream she is *currently* having.
7 a.m.- Sam wake up. But is not allowed to speak. Fortunately, Addie made him a basket of things to keep him entertained until...
7:57- a.m.- Sam decides it is close enough to 8 to wake the rest of us up.
8:20 a.m.- Drew is finally on his feet so we all go get in bed with our parents until they agree to join us in the living room.
*Insert craziness here.* Sam runs around like crazy and gets more enthusiastic with each gift he opens. The peak of his ecstasy coinciding with the bottom of his stocking. Never knew a kid could be so excited about toothpaste. Dad walks around the living room and collects anything that can burn and adds it to his fire.
10:30 a.m.- We all go to the aunt/uncle/cousin's house for brunch. I love this most. We eat and talk and laugh. And don't worry about a thing.
3- We come back home and spend the day watching movies and sorting pictures. Once I have my scanner with me I might put up a couple of gems. Anyone who knew me from 7th grade- freshmen year of high school, thank you for you charity friendship. That was a rough time in my life.
So, that's Christmas, fortunately we know most of all, it's not about our presents, it's about His presence. Which we are most grateful for.
Here's a quick pic of what I made my momma for Christmas (thanks Pinterest).
Merry two days after Christmas, Bloggies!!
A little look into the 25th of December at our house:
5:45 a.m.- Addie wake me up to tell me in detail about a dream she is *currently* having.
7 a.m.- Sam wake up. But is not allowed to speak. Fortunately, Addie made him a basket of things to keep him entertained until...
7:57- a.m.- Sam decides it is close enough to 8 to wake the rest of us up.
8:20 a.m.- Drew is finally on his feet so we all go get in bed with our parents until they agree to join us in the living room.
*Insert craziness here.* Sam runs around like crazy and gets more enthusiastic with each gift he opens. The peak of his ecstasy coinciding with the bottom of his stocking. Never knew a kid could be so excited about toothpaste. Dad walks around the living room and collects anything that can burn and adds it to his fire.
10:30 a.m.- We all go to the aunt/uncle/cousin's house for brunch. I love this most. We eat and talk and laugh. And don't worry about a thing.
3- We come back home and spend the day watching movies and sorting pictures. Once I have my scanner with me I might put up a couple of gems. Anyone who knew me from 7th grade- freshmen year of high school, thank you for you charity friendship. That was a rough time in my life.
So, that's Christmas, fortunately we know most of all, it's not about our presents, it's about His presence. Which we are most grateful for.
Here's a quick pic of what I made my momma for Christmas (thanks Pinterest).
Merry two days after Christmas, Bloggies!!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas Eve!
Merry Christmas Eve, Bloggies! I hope all y'all are enjoying time with your sweet families. I sure am.
This is the song that I've been singing the past few days. It makes me cry sometimes. (shocking:))
And this. Made me giggle and tear up too.
That's all I've got for now.
Merry Christmas y'all!
This is the song that I've been singing the past few days. It makes me cry sometimes. (shocking:))
And this. Made me giggle and tear up too.
That's all I've got for now.
Merry Christmas y'all!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Eat Mor Chikin
This is the story about that time I decided I never wanted to eat Chickfila again.
Okay, not really. I still love Chickfila. But I DID threaten.
We had an adventure to our first ever Chickfila grand opening!
I don't know if y'all knew this, but the "First 100" who get to a Chickfila the day before it opens by SIX A.M. (that's early homies) win free CFA for a year.
Holy fried chicken goodness, I may be a bit Chickfila brainwashed, but I can't think of a single thing better than that!
So me, accompanied by 5 friends who are girls and 11 boys who are also friends, went to Nashville for their brand spankin' new Chickfila.
And we had an adventure.
The *freezing* morning stated with us waking up in Franklin, TN at 4:20, and driving to Nashville. There ended up being more than 100 people there by 6 so they handed out raffle tickets and had a drawing. Me and my friend Jessie are the two unlucky ones who did not win, but fortunately our dear friends had decided in advance to split whatever winnings we had amongst all of us. So we ended up with 35 free combo meals each. I'll take it.The girls were 4 of 6 and the boys went 7 of 11. Therefore girls are better and luckier. But all around, not too shabby.
So Chckfila allows guests to stay with the Top 100 winners so Jessie and I weren't forced to roam the streets of Nashville for 24 hours. No, instead all 17 of us (plus the other 181 humans) were corralled into the parking lot of the CFA and not allowed to leave for 24 hours. And it was a blast!
We set up our tent (with the help of our new friends- some older men. Not sketchy at all!) and spent the day playing. We read and talked and threw the football and had a cornhole tournament and threw the Frisbee and played spades and Uno and danced and had relays and almost got blown away in our tent (and chased down our little yellow tent multiple times) and ate Chickfila until it was coming out our pours. For every meal- including a snack! And sweet tea to drink... all. day. long. That is why I claimed to never eat it again.
But we all know I love Chickfila way too much to follow through with that. And it's more than their food, although I'm obsessed with that too. It's the way they treat their costumers. They were genuinely thankful to have us there. And they took care of us. And let us know how much they appreciated us. It really is an incredible business. Three cheers for Chickfila!
So, the question I've received multiple times is of course, "Was it worth it?" And I have to honestly say, yes it was. I would for sure do it agian. It was an experience and it was just so fun. I want to tell everyone I know to go to an opening, but then the odds of me being drawn drastically go down. But let's be honest, I'm already incredible unlucky, so I might as well spread the word so all my dear friends can experience this chicken goodness.
Eat mor chikin, folks.
Okay, not really. I still love Chickfila. But I DID threaten.
We had an adventure to our first ever Chickfila grand opening!
I don't know if y'all knew this, but the "First 100" who get to a Chickfila the day before it opens by SIX A.M. (that's early homies) win free CFA for a year.
Holy fried chicken goodness, I may be a bit Chickfila brainwashed, but I can't think of a single thing better than that!
So me, accompanied by 5 friends who are girls and 11 boys who are also friends, went to Nashville for their brand spankin' new Chickfila.
And we had an adventure.
The *freezing* morning stated with us waking up in Franklin, TN at 4:20, and driving to Nashville. There ended up being more than 100 people there by 6 so they handed out raffle tickets and had a drawing. Me and my friend Jessie are the two unlucky ones who did not win, but fortunately our dear friends had decided in advance to split whatever winnings we had amongst all of us. So we ended up with 35 free combo meals each. I'll take it.The girls were 4 of 6 and the boys went 7 of 11. Therefore girls are better and luckier. But all around, not too shabby.
So Chckfila allows guests to stay with the Top 100 winners so Jessie and I weren't forced to roam the streets of Nashville for 24 hours. No, instead all 17 of us (plus the other 181 humans) were corralled into the parking lot of the CFA and not allowed to leave for 24 hours. And it was a blast!
We set up our tent (with the help of our new friends- some older men. Not sketchy at all!) and spent the day playing. We read and talked and threw the football and had a cornhole tournament and threw the Frisbee and played spades and Uno and danced and had relays and almost got blown away in our tent (and chased down our little yellow tent multiple times) and ate Chickfila until it was coming out our pours. For every meal- including a snack! And sweet tea to drink... all. day. long. That is why I claimed to never eat it again.
But we all know I love Chickfila way too much to follow through with that. And it's more than their food, although I'm obsessed with that too. It's the way they treat their costumers. They were genuinely thankful to have us there. And they took care of us. And let us know how much they appreciated us. It really is an incredible business. Three cheers for Chickfila!
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That is all of our stuff. 6 girls. 24 hours. Roughin' it. |
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The gang's all here (minus 2) |
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The Halls team LOVES Chickfila |
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Us after we got our coupons. After 24 hours in the parking lot. We have an excuse for looking so rough. |
So, the question I've received multiple times is of course, "Was it worth it?" And I have to honestly say, yes it was. I would for sure do it agian. It was an experience and it was just so fun. I want to tell everyone I know to go to an opening, but then the odds of me being drawn drastically go down. But let's be honest, I'm already incredible unlucky, so I might as well spread the word so all my dear friends can experience this chicken goodness.
Eat mor chikin, folks.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
It's a Wonderful Feelin'
... all the love in the room from the floor to the ceiling. It's that time of year. Christmastime is here!
Oh how I've loved jammin' to Christmas music these past few days.
Even though finals aren't over, I am 100% in the Christmas spirit.
However, since finals aren't over, I don't have time to full-out blog right now. But here's a teeny tiny, itty bitty sneak peak of this weekend.
Hip-hip hooray for formal!
Friday, December 2, 2011
I am a Vol fan
We are raised to hate the Florida gators here in Big Orange Country. But this Tim Tebow guy...
Read this. Now.
Seriously. Read it.
"...not because what he was doing was wrong but because it was right."
“You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway.”
What an example. Wow.
So thankful for VIPs like him.
And what I reminder that even my own life (as simple and unimportant as it seems) should not make sense to people of this world.
Happy DECEMBER, Bloggies!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
No more class!
CHRISTMAS BREAK! Oh how I love thee.
For this moment I am skipping over the fact that I still have FIVE finals to take. Five. Five. Really? Oh boy.
But it is Christmas break in the fact that we are d-o-n-e with classes. High five for the fastest semester of my life. Daggum.
And it is coooold now. Like, don't-wanna-get-out-of-my-warm-bed-at-all cold.
Also, our internet is down. Perfect timing Comcast. (but really, probably a good thing. Forces me to get in my car and go somewhere public- thanks neighbs and Panera and Hodges- you suck)
So anyway here's to:
eating TONS of yummy soup.
and jamming to my main man, the Bieb's Christmas album
and cuddling and movie watching with the roomies
and studying (gag)
and wearing Wallabees for the first time all year- insert rolling your ankle with every step here
and showing off my dance moves at the Christmas formal. Shout out to my date. Ow-ow.
and YoungLife end of year leadership. The thankfulness. The words. Don't exist. Can't. Even. Form. Sentences.
and watching Friday Night Lights anytime I can- I am 100% not above passing up studying for this show. Yes, I've jumped on the bandwagon. A little late. But who's judging?
Now some quick pics to sooth your studying eyes:
For this moment I am skipping over the fact that I still have FIVE finals to take. Five. Five. Really? Oh boy.
But it is Christmas break in the fact that we are d-o-n-e with classes. High five for the fastest semester of my life. Daggum.
And it is coooold now. Like, don't-wanna-get-out-of-my-warm-bed-at-all cold.
Also, our internet is down. Perfect timing Comcast. (but really, probably a good thing. Forces me to get in my car and go somewhere public- thanks neighbs and Panera and Hodges- you suck)
So anyway here's to:
eating TONS of yummy soup.
and jamming to my main man, the Bieb's Christmas album
and cuddling and movie watching with the roomies
and studying (gag)
and wearing Wallabees for the first time all year- insert rolling your ankle with every step here
and showing off my dance moves at the Christmas formal. Shout out to my date. Ow-ow.
and YoungLife end of year leadership. The thankfulness. The words. Don't exist. Can't. Even. Form. Sentences.
and watching Friday Night Lights anytime I can- I am 100% not above passing up studying for this show. Yes, I've jumped on the bandwagon. A little late. But who's judging?
Now some quick pics to sooth your studying eyes:
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thankful, thankful, thankful
So stinkin' much to be thankful for, I just can't stand it!
Thankful for sweet, huge, loud, caring, busy, competitive, loving, hilarious family. I feel like this is totally a given, but they get a thankful shout out none the less! friendsies. Where would I be without y'all? Probably living in my parent's basement spending my free time knitting and petting cats. Thanks for saving me from falling into this life before my time.
...East Tennessee. Thankful for the mountains, the accents, the people, the food, and all the other Southern traditions that come with life in this sweet little valley.
...Pinterest. Because without it I would continue to live my life as an uncrafty, boring, bad cook, lame human. So maybe I still am, but at least it makes me feel more creative.
...iTunes. I l-o-v-e music. And since I can't sing, I crank up the jams and drown my voice out. Perfection. heaters. It's cold outside, but my butt is warm. Yes please.
...turkey comas. I ate so much food yesterday I think I shall never be hungry again. And I'm pretty sure I have a Thanksgiving food hangover. Must. Go. Take. Nap. on TV. Yeah, I'm really into the game. Perfect excuse not to leave the couch.
...only 30 more days until Christmas! Lots of cookies and lights and music between now and then. Oh yes.
...the Red Saile house. I love that we love having people over there. I love the house. I love that people just show up But I especially love the people I share it with.
...Jesus. Most of all. Without my Savior my life would have no meaning and my joy would be incomplete.
Some pictures of somethings I am oh so thankful for!
FOOD (uh oh, I'm hungry again...)

Thankful for sweet, huge, loud, caring, busy, competitive, loving, hilarious family. I feel like this is totally a given, but they get a thankful shout out none the less! friendsies. Where would I be without y'all? Probably living in my parent's basement spending my free time knitting and petting cats. Thanks for saving me from falling into this life before my time.
...East Tennessee. Thankful for the mountains, the accents, the people, the food, and all the other Southern traditions that come with life in this sweet little valley.
...Pinterest. Because without it I would continue to live my life as an uncrafty, boring, bad cook, lame human. So maybe I still am, but at least it makes me feel more creative.
...iTunes. I l-o-v-e music. And since I can't sing, I crank up the jams and drown my voice out. Perfection. heaters. It's cold outside, but my butt is warm. Yes please.
...turkey comas. I ate so much food yesterday I think I shall never be hungry again. And I'm pretty sure I have a Thanksgiving food hangover. Must. Go. Take. Nap. on TV. Yeah, I'm really into the game. Perfect excuse not to leave the couch.
...only 30 more days until Christmas! Lots of cookies and lights and music between now and then. Oh yes.
...the Red Saile house. I love that we love having people over there. I love the house. I love that people just show up But I especially love the people I share it with.
...Jesus. Most of all. Without my Savior my life would have no meaning and my joy would be incomplete.
Some pictures of somethings I am oh so thankful for!
3/5 of the Red Sailers. (Thankful for 5/5ths though) |
Seester and Momma |
Daddy |
Brudder |
The Fab Four. We'll never be able to take a real picture. |
Turkey naps |
And after dinner back massages |
Happy Black Friday, Bloggies! I hope you are still so full and so happy you still can't move.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Just an update...
So... what's been going on?
Last Wednesday our neighborhood became a dark hole.
No power.
At least we were all in it together.
The boy neighbors were worried about how we would eat. #priorities
Fortunately, I have good friends who offered shelter at their houses. Thanks to all y'all.
My favorite part was playing murder in the dark and mafia with our dear neighbs. Fortunately (again), the power came back on so we got some quality visible hang out time.
So our day pretending to be from the olden days of darkness really wasn't all that bad.
(Side note: we did wake up younglife on Wednesday morning. So I got up at 4. Drove over some down powerlines. Got back to my street at 6:30 only to discover- good gracious I can't get home!! Red Saile 100% blocked. So naturally I go to my biffle's house. "She has an 8a.m. so she'll be up soon," I think. Well turns out she gets up at 7:30. So I parked it (literally) outside her house and "slept" in my car for an hour. Talk about an experience.)
So what it was against Vandy?
It was hands down the best game I've been to in college.
I don't know what made it so extra incredible. I guess the victory in overtime?
But it was fantastic.
I didn't have an opinion before, but now I think the Vandy coach is quite the sore loser.
Monday I learned two valuable lessons: 1. Always look at the weather before you leave the house (SO unlike me not to know). And when in doubt, it is worth it to walk back down the flight of stairs in the parking garage to grab an umbrella from the car "just in case." 2. Double check your texts before you send them. Twitter does not equal texting one friend.
We've been having lots of parties at Red Saile. Birthdays and "just because" parties. And I love it. Keep 'em comin' through Christmas break.
So here's to backyard football games and triptophan turkey comas. Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!
Now three cheers for a FIVE day freakin' weekend!
Last Wednesday our neighborhood became a dark hole.
No power.
At least we were all in it together.
The boy neighbors were worried about how we would eat. #priorities
Fortunately, I have good friends who offered shelter at their houses. Thanks to all y'all.
My favorite part was playing murder in the dark and mafia with our dear neighbs. Fortunately (again), the power came back on so we got some quality visible hang out time.
So our day pretending to be from the olden days of darkness really wasn't all that bad.
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Here's one of our neighbors. Because if this blog isn't for publicly humiliating myself and others, what's it for?? |
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The view from our driveway. Hey 17 KUB trucks. |
So what it was against Vandy?
It was hands down the best game I've been to in college.
I don't know what made it so extra incredible. I guess the victory in overtime?
But it was fantastic.
I didn't have an opinion before, but now I think the Vandy coach is quite the sore loser.
Monday I learned two valuable lessons: 1. Always look at the weather before you leave the house (SO unlike me not to know). And when in doubt, it is worth it to walk back down the flight of stairs in the parking garage to grab an umbrella from the car "just in case." 2. Double check your texts before you send them. Twitter does not equal texting one friend.
We've been having lots of parties at Red Saile. Birthdays and "just because" parties. And I love it. Keep 'em comin' through Christmas break.
So here's to backyard football games and triptophan turkey comas. Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!
Now three cheers for a FIVE day freakin' weekend!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
I neeeeeed
Y'all. I need this. Bad. Today preferably.
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Thank you for changing my life Pintrest |
Umm... Seriously? Who wouldn't wanna crawl in this thing and take the longest nap ever?!
Especially today.
Sideways rain? No thank you.
Insert this gem into the Red Saile house and we can take some killer naps today. Our electricity is out. No internet, lights, tv, distractions.
Mmm... My bed is suddenly sounding like a not so bad second place to this beauty. The "Moody Nest".
Insert hours of restful and much needed Zzzz here.
Over and out!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Say what, another list blog?!
Today I got frustrated. But I shouldn't have. There's so many great things to be happy about!
I don't know why I'm stuck on making lists recently, but I am. So deal with it.
I won my fantasy team last night. High five for Aaron Rodgers. He rocks.
I walked around outside BAREFOOT yesterday! Go ahead and make Tennessee stereotypes because it was awesome. Winter, don't come to Knoxville. Ever!
I also won a bet. I love making (and winning) pointless bets.
LAST FULL WEEK OF CLASSES! Holy cow, this semester went by super duper speedily. I'll do a thousand finger slaps for that.
Solo coffee dates. Holla for learning how to have "me" time.
Pretty fall leaves still clinging to the trees. Cling a little longer dear leaves!
Coffee + rain = perfection
Hallmark commercials that make me cry. (not sure why this is a happy thing. other than it is a happy sad cry)
Crazy dreams with random people in them. Huger Games plus friends into my subconscious mind? Hmm... weird. But okay, I'll take it.
Dinner reunion with the last year roomies! Nothing better than reminiscing about all the funny times from last year with my friendies.
And that's a wrap! Happy Tuesday, homies!
I don't know why I'm stuck on making lists recently, but I am. So deal with it.
I won my fantasy team last night. High five for Aaron Rodgers. He rocks.
I walked around outside BAREFOOT yesterday! Go ahead and make Tennessee stereotypes because it was awesome. Winter, don't come to Knoxville. Ever!
I also won a bet. I love making (and winning) pointless bets.
LAST FULL WEEK OF CLASSES! Holy cow, this semester went by super duper speedily. I'll do a thousand finger slaps for that.
Solo coffee dates. Holla for learning how to have "me" time.
Pretty fall leaves still clinging to the trees. Cling a little longer dear leaves!
Coffee + rain = perfection
Hallmark commercials that make me cry. (not sure why this is a happy thing. other than it is a happy sad cry)
Crazy dreams with random people in them. Huger Games plus friends into my subconscious mind? Hmm... weird. But okay, I'll take it.
Dinner reunion with the last year roomies! Nothing better than reminiscing about all the funny times from last year with my friendies.
And that's a wrap! Happy Tuesday, homies!
Friday, November 11, 2011
In case you hadn't realized, IT'S THE LUCKIEST DAY OF OUR LIVES!!
As of 37 minutes ago, it is 11/11/11!!
Take all the magic from wishes at 11:11 or on the shooting stars or eyelashes or birthday cakes candles or four leaf clovers and multiply it by a million and you get today.
And don't even get me started on what happens at 11:11 on 11/11/11... better get the mega-wish of your lifetime going. A perfect date and time palindrome that occurs only once every 100 years. Aren't we... lucky? ;)
Dream big people.
So pause, reflect on this moment, this unique occurrence that you won't see again in your life. Whoop, whoop.
But really, have a fantastic Friday.
As of 37 minutes ago, it is 11/11/11!!
Take all the magic from wishes at 11:11 or on the shooting stars or eyelashes or birthday cakes candles or four leaf clovers and multiply it by a million and you get today.
And don't even get me started on what happens at 11:11 on 11/11/11... better get the mega-wish of your lifetime going. A perfect date and time palindrome that occurs only once every 100 years. Aren't we... lucky? ;)
Dream big people.
So pause, reflect on this moment, this unique occurrence that you won't see again in your life. Whoop, whoop.
But really, have a fantastic Friday.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Rainy Humpday
Rainy Wednesday, you make me want to curl up on the couch and snuggle and have a Disney movie marathon.
Psychology class, I despise you. I don't even need to take you. Yet here I am studying for another test. You are the worst decision ever. (Please don't fail me for whining about how much a hate you.)
Wake-up YoungLife, thank you for being the highlight of my week. I don't know if there is anything better than laughing at my high school friends as they wake up in a panic. You are totally worth getting up at 4a.m. for
YoungLife team, so thankful for each of y'all. Glad we can laugh, talk, cry, pray, and live life together. Y'all rock.
All my friends who are leaders on "formally known as West side of Knoxville", I'll be praying like crazy for y'all this weekend. You friends are so incredible lucky to have you. Look for the chair I signed while on Work Crew there. And keep an eye out for my 'rents. Wahoo for their first YL camp since high school! Talk to 'em. They're me in adult guest form.
Anyone in Knoxville this weekend, we stand few and proud. If you're into Friday Night Lights and/or Lost please give us a shout out because that is what my weekend will consist of. Please and thank you.
Beautiful fall leaves, when you're in full swing and beautiful (like now) I start worrying you'll be gone way too soon. Please hang on to that tree as long as you can. I love you.
Flannel, I love you too.
MEREDITH, told ya I'd give you a shout out:) Thanks for reading my blog. You make me want to blog all the time. Give STC a hug for me!
This weekend, I'm not ready to let you go yet, so here's some catch up pictures
This genius of a man, John Piper, tweet this the other day:
"Don't stop praying until the mountain has been moved."
Happy Humpday, Bloggies!
Psychology class, I despise you. I don't even need to take you. Yet here I am studying for another test. You are the worst decision ever. (Please don't fail me for whining about how much a hate you.)
Wake-up YoungLife, thank you for being the highlight of my week. I don't know if there is anything better than laughing at my high school friends as they wake up in a panic. You are totally worth getting up at 4a.m. for
YoungLife team, so thankful for each of y'all. Glad we can laugh, talk, cry, pray, and live life together. Y'all rock.
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This is what my chair looks like. Hunt it down people! |
Anyone in Knoxville this weekend, we stand few and proud. If you're into Friday Night Lights and/or Lost please give us a shout out because that is what my weekend will consist of. Please and thank you.
Beautiful fall leaves, when you're in full swing and beautiful (like now) I start worrying you'll be gone way too soon. Please hang on to that tree as long as you can. I love you.
Flannel, I love you too.
MEREDITH, told ya I'd give you a shout out:) Thanks for reading my blog. You make me want to blog all the time. Give STC a hug for me!
This weekend, I'm not ready to let you go yet, so here's some catch up pictures
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Thankful for friendships that last through the years |
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Oh baby, God is good! |
This genius of a man, John Piper, tweet this the other day:
"Don't stop praying until the mountain has been moved."
Happy Humpday, Bloggies!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
It's da weekend!
We get a WHOLE EXTRA HOUR of life this weekend, Bloggies! 60 minutes of pure bliss. I am so excited I can't settle on one idea of how to spend it. Here's to endless possibility. High five for that!
In other news, I spent last night: a) roasting hot dogs over the fire b) burning my tongue on apple cider c) playing "never ever have I ever" d) getting way to way to competitive in mafia e) eating my weight in puppy chow f) snuggling in a tent g) debating the probably of actually contracting frostbite on my toes h) eating s'mores for breakfast i) being one with nature j) being in awe of God's creation k) realizing how out of shape I am while hiking up the most giant hill l) ALL OF THE ABOVE!
Go Vols and Geaux Tigers! (I'll always cheer against Bama)
Happy freakin' (long) weekend!
In other news, I spent last night: a) roasting hot dogs over the fire b) burning my tongue on apple cider c) playing "never ever have I ever" d) getting way to way to competitive in mafia e) eating my weight in puppy chow f) snuggling in a tent g) debating the probably of actually contracting frostbite on my toes h) eating s'mores for breakfast i) being one with nature j) being in awe of God's creation k) realizing how out of shape I am while hiking up the most giant hill l) ALL OF THE ABOVE!
Go Vols and Geaux Tigers! (I'll always cheer against Bama)
Happy freakin' (long) weekend!
Friday, November 4, 2011
I'm gonna be a teacher!
This isn't anything new. I've been going to be a teacher since I was about 4 years old. But right now I am particularly pumped that it is what I get to do for the rest of my life.
Reach Them to Teach Them. Incredible.
The theme was "One."
One + One = Infinity
You + God = Unlimited possibilities
Manuel Scott was the keynote speaker. Holy motivation. He was in-freaking-credible. My favorite yet.
Manuel was one of the original Freedom Writers. From the movie with Hilary Swank. His story is played by the character Marcus. I haven't seen the movie. But clearly I desperately need to. I did hear his story though. Wow. What a difference one person can make.
Sooo, thanks fort the push Manuel... it's into the inner-city I go. I want to teach where kids need me most. Where they need a teacher who believes in them, gives them hope, loves them. Kids lives will be different because of having me as a teacher.
Call me naive. That's fine. I am. But, I can dream. I can try. I can run with the enthusiasm and passion that I have right now. Go ahead and tell me I can't. I won't make a difference. I can't honestly change kids' lives. No one will be there to support you when you need it. It's too hard. Fortunately (or maybe in your mind- unfortunately), I am stubborn enough to want to figure it out on my own. I'm headed to where I can make a change!
I've also been thinking about switching to high school eventually. What?! Who am I?? I adore little kids. But I love Halls High Schoolers too. And what a difference Erin Gruwell made for her high school students.
Anyway, just some thoughts.
I'm sure my mom will read this and die. Congrats Mom, you did this:)
Reach Them to Teach Them. Incredible.
The theme was "One."
One + One = Infinity
You + God = Unlimited possibilities
Manuel Scott was the keynote speaker. Holy motivation. He was in-freaking-credible. My favorite yet.
Manuel was one of the original Freedom Writers. From the movie with Hilary Swank. His story is played by the character Marcus. I haven't seen the movie. But clearly I desperately need to. I did hear his story though. Wow. What a difference one person can make.
Sooo, thanks fort the push Manuel... it's into the inner-city I go. I want to teach where kids need me most. Where they need a teacher who believes in them, gives them hope, loves them. Kids lives will be different because of having me as a teacher.
Call me naive. That's fine. I am. But, I can dream. I can try. I can run with the enthusiasm and passion that I have right now. Go ahead and tell me I can't. I won't make a difference. I can't honestly change kids' lives. No one will be there to support you when you need it. It's too hard. Fortunately (or maybe in your mind- unfortunately), I am stubborn enough to want to figure it out on my own. I'm headed to where I can make a change!
I've also been thinking about switching to high school eventually. What?! Who am I?? I adore little kids. But I love Halls High Schoolers too. And what a difference Erin Gruwell made for her high school students.
Anyway, just some thoughts.
I'm sure my mom will read this and die. Congrats Mom, you did this:)
Thursday, November 3, 2011
I love to talk
So much to say, so little time.
Reach Them to Teach Them. Rocked. Big time. More on that another day.
So yes, I love to talk. I talk A LOT. I talk to friends, I talk to strangers, I talk to people who try to get me to stop talking to them, I talk when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm nervous, when I'm bored, when I'm upset. I talk all the time. Fact: I'm a talker. I can listen too, don't get me wrong. But I very rarely am short on words to say.
Well tonight I get to talk in a totally different way. I am talking at YoungLife club. Every time I get to talk I am so honored. If I think about it too much I cry (which, let's be honest, isn't an incredibility unusual thing). But really, what a privilege it is to get to stand up in a room full of high schoolers and tell them about Jesus!! Wow.
I love how intentional it all is. I love picking out what I'm going to say so carefully. I love knowing what our Halls High School friends need to hear. And saying it to them.
I love that it's not me.
It never has been me.
I love that freedom.
I love that peace.
I just keep coming back to how incrediblely grateful I am for this opportunity. How easily I forget that it's not like this everywhere. I am far to quick to take this joy of my life for granted.
So anyway, tonight I will be talking. Intentionally. I cannot wait.
Happy Thursday!
Reach Them to Teach Them. Rocked. Big time. More on that another day.
So yes, I love to talk. I talk A LOT. I talk to friends, I talk to strangers, I talk to people who try to get me to stop talking to them, I talk when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm nervous, when I'm bored, when I'm upset. I talk all the time. Fact: I'm a talker. I can listen too, don't get me wrong. But I very rarely am short on words to say.
Well tonight I get to talk in a totally different way. I am talking at YoungLife club. Every time I get to talk I am so honored. If I think about it too much I cry (which, let's be honest, isn't an incredibility unusual thing). But really, what a privilege it is to get to stand up in a room full of high schoolers and tell them about Jesus!! Wow.
I love how intentional it all is. I love picking out what I'm going to say so carefully. I love knowing what our Halls High School friends need to hear. And saying it to them.
I love that it's not me.
It never has been me.
I love that freedom.
I love that peace.
I just keep coming back to how incrediblely grateful I am for this opportunity. How easily I forget that it's not like this everywhere. I am far to quick to take this joy of my life for granted.
So anyway, tonight I will be talking. Intentionally. I cannot wait.
Happy Thursday!
Happy Halloween!!!
That awkward moment... where you write a blog post and forget to publish it......
Sorry this is 4 days late!
Happy Halloween, Bloggies!
This weekend I celebrated this spooktacular holiday with:
Halloween themed YoungLife club. Who doesn't love creative costumes high schoolers come up with?
A trip to Chatt-town to hang with good friends and spend some quality time with my baby bro.
Oh and of course that awe-to-the-freakin'-some concert we went to.
Holy cow, I discovered I am head over heels in love with Ben Rector.
And needtobreathe... they take my breath away.
Seriously, what a jammin' to music fun time.
Saturday, once again I watched my dear Vols lose. It's a rough life being a Tennessee fan.
But at least this time I watched it from the comfort of a couch. Call me a fair weather fan. I still love the Vols.
Sunday was the last day before we finally caved and turned on the heat. So the day was spent cuddling and watching movies.
Before braving the cold for a little Halloween celebration.
Rock, paper, and scissors.
Did we play? Absolutely.
Here's to trick or treating, bellies way too full of candy, sugar highs, scary movies, and getting to pretend to be someone else for the day.
Happy Halloweeeeen!
Sorry this is 4 days late!
Happy Halloween, Bloggies!
This weekend I celebrated this spooktacular holiday with:
Halloween themed YoungLife club. Who doesn't love creative costumes high schoolers come up with?
A trip to Chatt-town to hang with good friends and spend some quality time with my baby bro.
Oh and of course that awe-to-the-freakin'-some concert we went to.
Holy cow, I discovered I am head over heels in love with Ben Rector.
And needtobreathe... they take my breath away.
Seriously, what a jammin' to music fun time.
Saturday, once again I watched my dear Vols lose. It's a rough life being a Tennessee fan.
But at least this time I watched it from the comfort of a couch. Call me a fair weather fan. I still love the Vols.
Sunday was the last day before we finally caved and turned on the heat. So the day was spent cuddling and watching movies.
Before braving the cold for a little Halloween celebration.
Rock, paper, and scissors.
Did we play? Absolutely.
Loved getting to hang with my brudder! |
An unintentional Chelcie sandwich |
Sweet friends. In pretend London. |
Hi Blake |
I. Am. In. Love. |
Rock, Paper, Scissors. Heck yes. |
Here's to trick or treating, bellies way too full of candy, sugar highs, scary movies, and getting to pretend to be someone else for the day.
Happy Halloweeeeen!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
FALLing Slowly
Hi blog. Missed you this week.
The title of this blog really has very little to do with this post, except for I loved Fall this weekend, but here's a little music to jam to while you read....
Good news: my tests are over.
Good news: I finished my 20 page paper.
Bad news: I found out my teacher moved it back to next Monday, once I got to class last night. Are you freaking kidding me?
Good news: I'm already done with it!
Good news: One whoooole week of (mostly) freedom. Or at least not having to think about a stinkin' 20 page paper all week.
Good news: This week was awe-to the-some. I adore fall.
And this weekend was fall to the max.
And despite having a 20 page paper due on Monday, I still lived it up this weekend.
It stared off on Thursday night at the Ryan Long concert with some of my sweet Halls friends. We loooove Ryan!
On Friday night we had leadership. Which I always love. (Side note: I've had enough up front at leadership attention to last a lifetime.)
Then we had movie night at Red Saile!
I don't know why I didn't take pictures of this. It was a scary movie watchin', hot chocolate and apple cider drinkin' cookie eatin', blanket snugglin' truck sittin' corn poppin' good time.
But really, it was an overwhelming, crowded, crazy blast. We'll for sure do it again sometime!
Then on Saturday after watching this girl dominate her state cross country meet (she won a bet I made). So proud of this kid...
...We went to a pumpkin patch!! HECK YES FOR FALL!
This pumpkin patch was in Halls and it was fabulous. GO! We got apples and cider and delicious baby pies. And pumpkins. Duh.
After the pumpkin patch we watched our Vols get dominated by Bama. I hate Alabama. But if ya gotta watch your team lose (again) might as well do it in a house full of good food and good friends! Followed by a celebratory bonfire for still having team spirit through think and thin! GBO.
Sunday, funday was church followed by me spending all day writing my "not-due-until-next-Monday-I-have-got-to-learn-how-to-use-email" paper.
Seriously, I am so thankful for this weekend. And for this life.
Thank you, God, for giving me a life I don't deserve!
The title of this blog really has very little to do with this post, except for I loved Fall this weekend, but here's a little music to jam to while you read....
Good news: my tests are over.
Good news: I finished my 20 page paper.
Bad news: I found out my teacher moved it back to next Monday, once I got to class last night. Are you freaking kidding me?
Good news: I'm already done with it!
Good news: One whoooole week of (mostly) freedom. Or at least not having to think about a stinkin' 20 page paper all week.
Good news: This week was awe-to the-some. I adore fall.
And this weekend was fall to the max.
And despite having a 20 page paper due on Monday, I still lived it up this weekend.
It stared off on Thursday night at the Ryan Long concert with some of my sweet Halls friends. We loooove Ryan!
On Friday night we had leadership. Which I always love. (Side note: I've had enough up front at leadership attention to last a lifetime.)
Then we had movie night at Red Saile!
I don't know why I didn't take pictures of this. It was a scary movie watchin', hot chocolate and apple cider drinkin' cookie eatin', blanket snugglin' truck sittin' corn poppin' good time.
But really, it was an overwhelming, crowded, crazy blast. We'll for sure do it again sometime!
Then on Saturday after watching this girl dominate her state cross country meet (she won a bet I made). So proud of this kid...
Newly Braceface. Love her so much. |
Becca feeding the wildlife. And Kendall unsure what to think. |
Perfect pumpkin picking is a particular process. (How's that for alliteration?!) |
This pumpkin patch was in Halls and it was fabulous. GO! We got apples and cider and delicious baby pies. And pumpkins. Duh.
After the pumpkin patch we watched our Vols get dominated by Bama. I hate Alabama. But if ya gotta watch your team lose (again) might as well do it in a house full of good food and good friends! Followed by a celebratory bonfire for still having team spirit through think and thin! GBO.
Sunday, funday was church followed by me spending all day writing my "not-due-until-next-Monday-I-have-got-to-learn-how-to-use-email" paper.
Seriously, I am so thankful for this weekend. And for this life.
Thank you, God, for giving me a life I don't deserve!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
I thought it was senior year...
This week got out of hand very quickly. I did not see it coming and am still a little confused as to how exactly it happened. I have had three tests (two down, one to go- holla!) and a 20 page paper due all within the week. I thought this was supposed to be my senior year of college! (While we're on the subject, I just registered for my last ever semester of college. I think the phrase "time flies when you're having fun" was made for this moment. Good gosh, someone make time slow just for a little while!)
These moments are where my love-hate relationship with school is clearly seen. THREE TESTS AND A 20 PAGE PAPER! But I still wanna stay here for-ev-er.
So anyway, since after 3 and a half years I still haven't learned to study in advance, Mr. Hodges and I have taken up a relationship again. And it's getting serious pretty quickly. It was touch-and-go for awhile (see the second sentence of this post... it is my senior year) but we are back at it in full swing.
But I have decided, no one has died from too much work yet. And I doubt I'll be the first (especially since I am taking up my oh-so-precious study time to blog). So I figure I'll survive.
Some good news for me- maybe bad for you- it's going to be gross and cold and rainy all day tomorrow. Perfect for writing a dang long paper!
Here's to sleepless nights, hot coffee, rainjackets, sweatshirts, snack breaks, chatting breaks, Pinterest breaks, any-excuse-possible breaks, and dominating at college.
Over and out, Homies!
These moments are where my love-hate relationship with school is clearly seen. THREE TESTS AND A 20 PAGE PAPER! But I still wanna stay here for-ev-er.
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Here he is folks, Mr. John C. Hodges |
So anyway, since after 3 and a half years I still haven't learned to study in advance, Mr. Hodges and I have taken up a relationship again. And it's getting serious pretty quickly. It was touch-and-go for awhile (see the second sentence of this post... it is my senior year) but we are back at it in full swing.
But I have decided, no one has died from too much work yet. And I doubt I'll be the first (especially since I am taking up my oh-so-precious study time to blog). So I figure I'll survive.
Some good news for me- maybe bad for you- it's going to be gross and cold and rainy all day tomorrow. Perfect for writing a dang long paper!
Here's to sleepless nights, hot coffee, rainjackets, sweatshirts, snack breaks, chatting breaks, Pinterest breaks, any-excuse-possible breaks, and dominating at college.
Over and out, Homies!
Friday, October 14, 2011
A Pinteresting Day!
Before y'all go into thinking I'm bipolar or something, let me just say, although I am 99.9% of the time just SO happy and joyful, that other .1% of the time when I'm just not, I have to choose joy. I choose to be happy. Like today. I'm still sad I'm not a Windy Gap. But I am choosing to be happy, despite circumstances.
So here's my day full of wonderful ideas thanks to Pinterest.
We even Ding Dong Ditched our neighbors. It was just like being in high school again, but instead of angry dads with sleeping babies, our friends got to enjoy yummy treats. So fun for us and them.
Happy freakin' weekend!
So here's my day full of wonderful ideas thanks to Pinterest.
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Pumpkin cookies (minus baking soda- oops) |
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Not actually on pinterest but it should be. We made these last night with the Halls girls going to camp. |
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A headband out of a tshirt I made this morning. Saw-weet! |
We even Ding Dong Ditched our neighbors. It was just like being in high school again, but instead of angry dads with sleeping babies, our friends got to enjoy yummy treats. So fun for us and them.
Happy freakin' weekend!
I debated on whether or not to publish this post. I am usually so happy and so enthusiastic in general. But today, not so much. But you know what, this is my blog and I do what I want. So here it is world...
Let me just be real for a minute. Today I have been sad. I really, really want to be going with all my friends (high schoolers, teammates, and even leaders at other schools) to Windy Gap this weekend.
I actually can't think of anything I want more at the moment.
I am SO pumped for all my friends going.
They are going to have the best time.
And get to hear and talk about Jesus all weekend.
I am not mad or frustrated or annoyed (although I've been all of those too).
I am just so sad for myself and my Halls friends who didn't want to go.
I don't want this to be a whiny post about how much I wish I was going to Windy Gap. So I apologize. Just sometimes ya gotta let it out.
However, I am reminded that circumstance don't determine my joy. That comes from Christ alone! Wow. Thanks again, Jesus Calling.
But sometimes I get discouraged. YoungLife is hard. Particularly when you do ministry for three years and don't see fruit from it.
I read this, though, and it seems about right...
Umm... Okay. Clear reminder. It's not up to me! I am relieved of the pressure. But it's still sad. That's really all.
I know this was lame and whiny (even though I tried to avoid it...), but I hope someone was a tiny bit encouraged. God is loving. And faithful. And I am thankful that we don't always understand Him. And He is good. And life is good. So good.
And to all of my friends going to Windy Gap, have the greatest time at the best place on Earth! (Drink a Cheerwine slush for me)
Let me just be real for a minute. Today I have been sad. I really, really want to be going with all my friends (high schoolers, teammates, and even leaders at other schools) to Windy Gap this weekend.
I actually can't think of anything I want more at the moment.
I am SO pumped for all my friends going.
They are going to have the best time.
And get to hear and talk about Jesus all weekend.
I am not mad or frustrated or annoyed (although I've been all of those too).
I am just so sad for myself and my Halls friends who didn't want to go.
I don't want this to be a whiny post about how much I wish I was going to Windy Gap. So I apologize. Just sometimes ya gotta let it out.
However, I am reminded that circumstance don't determine my joy. That comes from Christ alone! Wow. Thanks again, Jesus Calling.
But sometimes I get discouraged. YoungLife is hard. Particularly when you do ministry for three years and don't see fruit from it.
I read this, though, and it seems about right...
“You job isn’t to fill other people’s cups. Your job is to empty yours.” – Andy Stanley
Umm... Okay. Clear reminder. It's not up to me! I am relieved of the pressure. But it's still sad. That's really all.
I know this was lame and whiny (even though I tried to avoid it...), but I hope someone was a tiny bit encouraged. God is loving. And faithful. And I am thankful that we don't always understand Him. And He is good. And life is good. So good.
And to all of my friends going to Windy Gap, have the greatest time at the best place on Earth! (Drink a Cheerwine slush for me)
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Jesus Calling
"Jesus Calling should be retitled to Your Daily Prophecy.” to quote someone I’m following on twitter. And I agree. 100%.
Confession: I’ve been struggling with the fact that I won’t be going to Windy Gap for weekend camp for the first time since I became a leader. And it sucks. A lot. The girls I hang out with straight up don’t want to go. So they make excuses. I’ve fought every excuse you can imagine. And I can’t win. They aren’t going. So neither am I. And I’m sad. I love them. And love Windy Gap. And love Jesus. And I want them to experience all this. But they won’t. Not this year anyway. So I’m totally bummed.
I’m trying so hard to see God’s reasoning for leaving them (and me) behind this weekend. I will worship Him even though I am disappointed.
So here is where “Jesus Calling” comes in. I feel like I’ve been doing okay in trusting the Lord in having another plan, but I have been complaining. Oh dear. To anyone who will listen. Because it IS hard. But here’s J.C. had to say...
" have not let go of My hand. I am pleased with your desire to stay close to Me. There is one thing, however, that displeases Me: your tendency to complain."
Insert "oops" here.
"You may talk to Me as much as you like about the difficulty of the path we are following. I understand better than anyone else the stresses and stains that have afflicted you. You can ventilate safely to Me, because talking with Me tempers your thoughts and helps you see things from My perspective."
Philippians 2:14-15
Yep. So that clears that up.
Complaining- see ya never!
I started this post a couple days ago, but waited to publish it and now I just have to put in the quote from Jesus Calling today on here.
so good. so thankful.
" have not let go of My hand. I am pleased with your desire to stay close to Me. There is one thing, however, that displeases Me: your tendency to complain."
Insert "oops" here.
"You may talk to Me as much as you like about the difficulty of the path we are following. I understand better than anyone else the stresses and stains that have afflicted you. You can ventilate safely to Me, because talking with Me tempers your thoughts and helps you see things from My perspective."
Philippians 2:14-15
Yep. So that clears that up.
Complaining- see ya never!
I started this post a couple days ago, but waited to publish it and now I just have to put in the quote from Jesus Calling today on here.
"The only thing you absolutely need is the one thing you can never lose: My Presence with you."
so good. so thankful.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Finally gonna see the T...
It's gameday again!
I still haven't see the team run through the "T." My favorite part of Tennessee football. But tonight's the night! Finally.
We play Georgia tonight. I'm so excited for this game.
It's the perfect day for football.
And I love night games.
And we baked this morning. (Or I guess I should say no bake...)
SO easy to make. I'll definitely be making these again.
Basically life is so good today.
This post is really just to let all my faithful readers know that I am indeed still alive.
And loving this life. So blessed. Beyond what I deserve.
I still haven't see the team run through the "T." My favorite part of Tennessee football. But tonight's the night! Finally.
We play Georgia tonight. I'm so excited for this game.
It's the perfect day for football.
And I love night games.
And we baked this morning. (Or I guess I should say no bake...)
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"Football shaped" no bakes |
Basically life is so good today.
This post is really just to let all my faithful readers know that I am indeed still alive.
And loving this life. So blessed. Beyond what I deserve.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
I'm a picture thief
...and whatcha gonna do about it?
Here's me living the good life:
Fall lake days. I love you.
Summer. Come back.
Here's me living the good life:
Fall lake days. I love you.
Summer. Come back.
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