Thursday, November 3, 2011

I love to talk

So much to say, so little time.

Reach Them to Teach Them. Rocked. Big time. More on that another day.

So yes, I love to talk. I talk A LOT. I talk to friends, I talk to strangers, I talk to people who try to get me to stop talking to them, I talk when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm nervous, when I'm bored, when I'm upset. I talk all the time. Fact: I'm a talker. I can listen too, don't get me wrong. But I very rarely am short on words to say.

Well tonight I get to talk in a totally different way. I am talking at YoungLife club. Every time I get to talk I am so honored. If I think about it too much I cry (which, let's be honest, isn't an incredibility unusual thing). But really, what a privilege it is to get to stand up in a room full of high schoolers and tell them about Jesus!! Wow.
I love how intentional it all is. I love picking out what I'm going to say so carefully. I love knowing what our Halls High School friends need to hear. And saying it to them.
I love that it's not me.
It never has been me.
I love that freedom.
I love that peace.
I just keep coming back to how incrediblely grateful I am for this opportunity. How easily I forget that it's not like this everywhere. I am far to quick to take this joy of my life for granted.

So anyway, tonight I will be talking. Intentionally. I cannot wait.

Happy Thursday!

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