Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Royal Wedding Day!

Remember when I said I love love? Well I still do. And I was a teeny tiny bit embarrassed to say I was up at 4:00 this morning watching it. But it was just so dang cute I can't help but admit it! Kate's a princess! I don't know what the obsession is with royalty, but I love it too. It's like a real life fairy tale.
It was so beautiful. And I loved it.
This was my favorite part:

(thanks Google images for this classy little double image)

Prince Harry (or Henry as I like to call him) getting a sneak peak. Presh. 
Now, I have to admit that I was already up at 4 this morning. Miserable. I was working on a portfolio for education classes. Ugh. But I've decided it's worth it now! Usually being up at 4a.m. would have nothing good to offer. But I had the royal wedding to keep me company. Holla!
It gives me the warm and fuzzies and I hope they stay so in love forever and ever.

Now, I am off to end of year leadership with my all time favorite humans. Then to good ole Nashvegas to watch :( the marathon. But I most definitely will be yelling super duper loud for all my friends running. What my legs won't be doing, my cheering will make up for! There are going to be a lot of people hanging in Nash this weekend so after my nice little nap today, I am pumped to get it started!
Happy freakin' weekend, Bloggies!

P.S. Please don't forget to pray for Bama. As much as I hate 'em sometimes, I'd never wish anything like that on anyone.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tornado Alley

I'm starting to think that's where we live now...
And I'm sure you're thinking, another weather post?? What in the world? Well we've been having some c-r-a-z-y storms here. Little Knoxville is not used to the weather. At all.
It's been a heyday for good ole Todd.

Thanks for keeping us safe.

But really. I've run for cover more times this week than I've ever done in a span of three days before.
MegaStorm struck first on Monday, gave us a little taste yesterday, and was back with vengeance today. For real.
We are still in it. I can't remember ever seeing hail like this before.
But something about these storms really brings people together I think.
Here are some of us seeking shelter for the first time today (thanks, Paul Michael, for covering up my face...)
Then there was some more major bonding time going on for me in cars, the YoungLife house, the 'brary (again) and finally my home sweet home. I am thankful for the time I've got to spend with friendsies!

But it is scary. And I'm pretty sure I never ever wanna drive again.

Now, I'm just waiting for our power to go out. Just as long as it doesn't go out at Panera (again-That literally effected my entire day).

If y'all are reading this, that means you are still alive. For that I am grateful too. Congrats on surviving (so far) the Megastorm of 2011!
This storm has taken a lot out of me. I'm exhausted. Only 20 more minutes until it's over! We will survive!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Remember that time there was a tornado?

Good gravy how 'bout that outta-nowhere-what-the-heck-just-happened pop-up storm we had today? 
It went from a windows down, sunroof opened, reading at the boulevard kind of day to THAT.
I was at the double drive through Chick-fil-a enjoying some free sandwiches (thanks for lovin' college kids CFA!) and chilling on the patio talking to my friend. We started noticing some lightning, but thought we'd wait it out. That was until the people sitting next to us food blew into our laps. We decided to head for my house. Next thing you know, we were stranded in flash-floods-hail-lightning-wind-thunder-rain storm. In our cars. The fire department was going to crazy while we sat at a traffic light f.o.r.e.v.e.r. My hands were shaky and the Jetta was about to blow away with me in it.
All HAIL was breaking loose. I'm pretty sure.
We made it home safely. Finally. But man oh man it was scary.

And Knoxville is in shambles.

I'm thinkin' this is good enough reason for no class tomorrow...

My friend's house. Glad she was here and not standing in the street when it happened!
Confession: I stole these pictures from some friends. Goodness. Glad we are all okay.

We are now housing some friends who don't have power. And googling lyrics to rap songs as we sing along and eat popcorn. Welcome to college. I love laughing with my roommates.
"It's your flippy whippy man wah."

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Weekend

Bloggies! I am back from my unintentional blogging sabbatical. I stayed with the fam Friday night through today, and would you believe it? The internet at my parent's house is broken. So no blogging, twitter, facebook, email, studying... for me. What a blessing. (I'll know tomorrow if God is faithful in blessing my intentional family time in the "no studying" aspect of this weekend- Econ, I'll hate you forever).
Good Friday. I pray I don't forget the incredible blessing of the cross. Ever.
My parents and I went to Secret Church. From 7pm-1am. A Bible study. It was led by David Platt, author of Radical. Wow. Really the only way to describe it is as drinking water through a firehouse. Hopefully one day I'll be able to process it all and blog about it. Yeah, I'll have to come back to that. For sure.
I got to go to lunch with my favorite high school homies! We did bulldog cheers and sang the fight song in the middle of "our" Moe's. Not really. But we did talk and laugh and reminisce. I hope we get to do this until we are 104 years old. Crazy that they are still my very best friends. I am beyond thankful I didn't have to wait 'til college or later to find life-long friends. We got to become besties when we 14. Holla!

Gosh, we have so many stories. And we are still adding to the looooong list. Yippee!

After lunch the Fab Four plus Marley and Mom hit up the boulevard for a little outside play time. Saturday afternoon gave me reason #732 why I wanna fill my own home up with bunches of kiddies. I've never once regretted being 1 of 4. I love it to the moon and back. We played fetch and Frisbee and soccer. Team girl all the way. Although, I have to admit, the boys did beat us 9-10. That game left us sweaty and gross and collapsing on the blanket begging for Icees. Hanging with the boys apparently gives me more energy because once we got back home, we were at it again. This time boys vs girls basketball in the driveway. See? How would we have been able to do this is the 'rents had stopped after two or three? Gosh, I just love the sibs so much. And hanging with my family. They rock. I don't know why in the world I'm so blessed but so stinkin' thankful once again.
Dinner (just the 6 of us for once), practicing driving the stick shift (which resulted in laughter from my fellow drivers on the road- unbelievable), and Slumdog Millionare watching was the perfect end to what was probably my ideal Saturday.   
Andddd Sunday.
This is also going to have to be continuted. (This is already long and I am watching the clock tick closer and closer to my Econ test time. Gag.)
Pastor Scott focused on Jesus's feet. You read that right, Bloggies, his feet. What in the world? That's so like Scott to take a story I've heard 15,000 times (not saying it's still not so, so meaningful- just common) and put a completely new spin on it. How awesome. Yes. I'll come back to this too.
Backyard lunch with the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors, friends, people I don't even know at all, and my family ended Easter with fun, egg hunts, too much food, laughter, stories, joy, and thankfulness.
I am just so grateful for this life, this holiday, this family, this weekend. Now let's get this last week of school in motion.
1, 2, ready go!
My all time favorite people
P.S. You're welcome for the throwback high school graduation pictures today. Cue Vitamin C's "Graduation Song" here.

Over and out, Bloggies!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday is Friday

Happy freakin' weekend Bloggies!
Today was the last day of school for the week- fist pumps and leg kicks for this- duh!
Because Easter is this weekend. That means Good Friday is tomorrow. I swear every holiday that comes I say is my favorite, so following this trend... I LOVE EASTER! But really, it is just so special. I'll try to better say my thoughts in another post, because it is truly a huge celebration. And I am beyond thankful.
My baby brother comes home tomorrow. Haven't seen him since Christmas. So I can't stinkin' wait!!

 Easter 2010 and 2009. What's not to loveeeee?!

Off to go cheer super loud for my sweet Halls friends. Run, (insert their names here), run!

P.S. Don't forget to vote for my momma! (See yesterday's post). Y'all rock, Bloggies!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Another call for help!

Thank you for all comments/texts/calls/tweets at me/facebook messages/wall posts/face to face voting y'all have done. Seriously. One particular phone call all the way from CALI really helped me make up my mind. And I do believe I will get the best of both worlds! But I will most DEFINITELY be called crazy for it. But from what I hear it is 100% worth what I'm going to do. Don't worry, I'll keep you updated.

Since you really came through for me yesterday, I have another HUGE favor to ask y'all.
This is my mom:

Maybe not her best picture, but what really is important here is that cup right there in the middle of the picture. See it?
That cup (and many, many, many others like it) are always, always found in my mom's hand.
What is in this cup you may ask yourself?
What kind of delicious beverage could she be drinking at all times?
Well, bloggies, it is actually ice.
That's right. 
My mom ALWAYS has a cup of ice.
Pellet ice to be exact.
She's an addict.
I'm not exaggerating.
Or kidding.
This is real life.

Here she is on one of the happiest days of her life. The begging of the day she found this huge cup at a gas station that she got to fill all the way to the tippy top with ice. Then she went to Dead End Barbque for lunch, later in the day, and what'd ya know- they filled it all the way to the tippy top with ice for her AGAIN.

Would ya look at that face of pure joy?!

Now, you are probably asking, what does your mom's addiction have to do with me?
Allow me to explain...
This is big news, so you might want to sit down to read it...
My mom entered a contest to win-- HER VERY OWN PELLET ICE MACHINE!
Good gravy, this is big time bloggies.
If my mom had her own one of these, we'd all be doing fist pumps and leg kicks every single day. For sure.
My mom spends $8 a week on ice. One again, this is a real life statistic. Maybe hard to believe, but true. For a teacher's salary, this can add up quick. So this is one reason why this win could be oh so significant for Mommy dearest.  

So help my mom win a lifetime supply of her very own "calorie free popcorn."
Help us "adult kids" stop having to make Sonic runs for bags of ice on our way home.
Help us have room in our freezer for yummy things like ice cream instead of bags of ice.
Help us not have to plan our meals out based on which restaurants have nugget ice (we know all the ones in Knoxville- I guarantee you that 100%)
Help my mom's checkbook by freeing her from these ice purchases.

All you have to do is go HERE ( and vote for her. The contest lasts one month, April 20, 2011- May 20, 2011. You can vote one time per email address per day.
Not only is she the most deserving/needy HANDS DOWN, but she also followed the rules best with her oh so witty poem.
So please, please, please be as helpful as you were yesterday!
Help this woman's wildest dreams come true.
But really, it'd make her (and everyone in our family's) day to win. So go vote!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This is a democracy!!

Okay, bloggies, I need your help. I have a dilemma. I have two things I really want to do on the weekend of April 29-30.
Option number 1: End of year leadership.
Option number 2: Half marathon in Nashville.
I want to do both big time.

Option number 1- I am obsessed with my team. Don't know if I've mentioned it :) (That's for you Morgan Stridde) And I love leadership and it's the very last one. That means it's the last one I'll have with my team as it is now. And the final horah for us leaders before summer.
Option number 2- I realllllly want to run the half in Nashville too. I want to do it before I'm out of shape again. And I like to run. And a lot of my friends will be there.
Problem: You gotta pick up the race day packet on Friday in Nashville by 7 p.m. So I can't do both.

I just can't seem to make this decision on my own, so you gotta VOTE!
Help me!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday, Funday!

Happy Monday, Bloggies! 
Hope y'all all had a great freakin' weekend!
Gosh, I sure did. 
And a pretty durn good Monday, too.
I'm obsessed with spring. 
I don't have allergies, and I don't mind my white car being green, so as far as I can tell, I've got no reason not to like it.
Walks (lots of 'em)
Strawberry cupcakes (De-to the-licious)
Cheap corndogs- don't judge me.
I love food.

Currently I'm stranded on campus. How this happens, I'm not sure. But here I sit. Alone in the amp. Weird.
That's how come I am just typing out whatever comes to mind, I think.
This is a pretty easy week, I think (again). I maybe wouldn't even know if I had stuff due anymore. (Sorry, Mom)
Finals are just around the corner. I know this for a fact.
Easter is this weekend.
No school Friday.
Abby's wedding is TWO months from today. I can already hear the wedding bells...
Good gravy, life is good. 
Why do I forget this sometimes?
I really don't know.
I have got to have the most spastic thoughts of anyone in the world. 
Thanks for stickin' around to read 'em.
You're welcome for all the profound thoughts of the day.
Y'all rock.
Over and out.
About this time last year. Can't wail 'till this becomes everyday again.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Isn't it crazy how perfect God's plan is?
I did NOT wanna be a leader at Halls. I had no reasoning, I just didn't know anything about it so I didn't want to be there...Here I mean. Because here is where I am.
And it's crazy perfect because Halls fits just right. I love it here. I love doing ministry here. I love the community. I love the high school kids here. I love red. I love the challenge. I love it all. But the thing I love to love the most is my team.

Best freaking team in the world!!!! I know y'all know this already. I hope you don't hate me for the amount of this blog space that is spent on my YoungLife team (that ROCKS).

Quest graduation was last night.

 Our littles! Can't even describe how obsessed we are with Tex, Jessica, and Katey.
They represented us so well walking across that stage last night. So proud of our kiddies!

Then we had team overnight aka my favorite night of the year.

The torrential monsoon couldn't stop us. Between climbing in and out of cars, switching bags to different cars, leaving two teammates at the YL house (oopsies. Side note: we only went to Jason's, so they made it there fine), dropping gym shorts on the ground, jumping in puddles, and dancing in the rain... we were soaked (and kinda/very much freezing) but we were on our way! the tiniest cabin in the middle of the boonies.
Seriously tiny. Pretty much one room. We were c-o-z-y.
Absolutely perfect.

I claimed to have peed my pants more times than I can count with these people.

Prank calling (so we're in our 20s and still making prank calls- who cares?!),
I have NOT laughed so hard in a loooooong time. And I laugh A LOT. Laugh HARD a lot too. Really. Pee pants moment number 378 right here:
"Shame on Kroger" for them daggum bad apples!

eating, eating, eating, (no pictures of this because anyone who woulda been playing with the camera was stuffing their face),

playing THE question game,
This picture is pretty much the most accurate description of the game.

talking until our eyes literally closed.
Their our eyes are open here. But this was many, many, many hours before the final whisper was said

and staying up wayyyyyy too late.

Note the rained on look. So glad these people don't just love me for my looks.

We shared so much with each other. It's crazy that not only am I learning new things about our n00bs (all-stars), but also my 'mates I've know for two years now (how in the world has it been that long already?!).
I really wish I could describe more, but what happens on team overnight stays on team overnight :)
I'm finding that really, it's indescribable. Words can't begin to depict how much I stinkin' love 'em.

Funniest/best-looking/greatest/most awesome team EVER!

But they are also the reason why I have had zero energy today and am looking at 10:00 pm as if it is 4 o'clock in the morning. Good thing today was yucky anyway. I love having no desire to stay up late on the weekends.

Night, night bloggies!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I think it's Wednesday...?

It's Hump Day again! (I'm fighting the urge to slip the word "only" right after "it's")
But really, we made it through this day. Only two more until the weekend! We can do it!
I think my brain has already used up all it's allotted knowledge for the week. I'm 100% serious. I have zero brain cells left. Could cause a problem. So heads up if you try to speak to me the next two days.
Tomorrow we have SeNiOr ClUb! (they deserve fancy writing too) I am pumped to see these seniors rock it. I can't wait to sit back, relax, and let them entertain. They are incredible. It will for sure be awesome.
Friday is P-to-the-ROM at Halls! Wish I could pull out that dress and dance with my friends (on second thought, I really don't wish that at all...) But I am super excited to see them all dressed up and going. What a treat!
Friday is also Quest graduation aka everyone gets to see how great our new leaders are. They'll be jealous times, like, a million. And then team overnight. Aka I get to hang out with my favorite homies all.night.long.
See? So much to look forward too.
Two more days. And class in 8 hours...
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....

 For your viewing pleasure...
Prom. Wow.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I hesitate to publish this, because I wonder if thoughts I've been thinking come out as well in writing as they would in speaking.... But I guess I can always speak them to you too if you want to hear 'em. So, here goes nothing.

Okay, here's some real quick things I've been thinking about. Real, real quick.

1. God has an adventure to take each one of us on. Seriously. An adventure. Who doesn't stinkin' love adventures?! And this one is one of more than a lifetime...

2. We were not saved to sit still. Hmm...

This next part is from a book I'm reading, Radical. Much more about that soon to come I'm sure...
3. God commanded us to take His word to all nations.
            Matthew 28:19- "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"
           Acts 1:8- "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
This is not a "calling"... it is a command.

Funny how we find it so easy to keep the privileges of Christianity (Matthew 11:28 and John 10:10) promising to "give you rest" and "life to the full", yet we assign obligations (Matthew 28 and Acts 1:8) to others. Not at all saying we are not abundantly blessed and are indeed given these wonderful promises, but how much are we also in debt to this world who doesn't know Christ? We cannot say we "are not called" because clearly, we are all commanded. All of us in Christ. 

4. I just can't help but to see that we were created for something so much more than this.

How much are we missing out on, being stuck in our routine of this American life? I don't know, but I don't want to miss this grand adventure God has in store.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Can every day be a lake day?

I'm back bloggies!
Our little weekend get away was absolutely perfect.
The weather- goodness gracious. I think summer came in a month early. It's tricking us all, but I'm loving every minute of it.
The water- freeeezing. But what better midday wake up could you ask for though?
The food- good for the soul. I love having parents to take care of us for a little while.
The wakeboarders- just as talented as they were last summer.
The bees- buzzing. Typ.
The dogs- best friends.
The company- couldn't ask for better.
Weekends like this remind me how incredibly thankful I am for this life. I don't know why I get it, but I am so grateful to be so blessed with good health, good friends, good setting, good life.

Stolen pics of our weekend escapade.

  I think 
that if I could do this 
every single day 
of my life 
I would...

Our Sweetie. Who wants her?!! :)

Bees don't stand a chance with us around.

Who wouldn't wanna be here?!

Happy Monday, Bloggies!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Every day should be Friday...

...and you know why? 'Cause Fridays rock! That's all there is to it. SO glad that today Friday. Rebecca Black agrees with me too. I hope you're now all singing "Friday." I'm sorry. I probably deserve to be hated for that a little bit.
Today I got to hang out with my favorite champions in my mom's class at Sarah Moore Greene. So proud of these kids. They are most definitely going to dominate the TCAPS. Gosh, they're the coolest. If you haven't yet, go visit them soon. A couple of celebs came today too. One of the benefits of living in a college town is football player and cheerleaders will sometime drop by to spend a day with you. How cool?!

Also, thanks everyone for praying. My talk was good. Club was smaller than we've been used to, but it's always an honor to get to tell high school kids about Jesus. Goodness, I'd do it even if there was just one there!

This weekend I'm going into summer mode 100%. Headed to the lake for a little sun, water, wakeboarding, and all around lovin' every minute of life. I cannot wait.

Here is my new team I blogged about here.
Please, someone tell me that Halls doesn't totally have it.

I love these people like c-r-a-z-y.

Happy freakin' weekend bloggies!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Talk-y talk

I get to do one of my most favorite things in the whole wide world today. It's my turn to talk at YoungLife club! And I get to talk about the resurrection. About how Jesus didn't stay dead after he was killed! Good gravy, that's amazing! And I get to share it with all my high school friends tonight.
It's crazy how much I love these kids. I want them to get it so bad. In the past two years I've gone from not knowing where Halls is, not to mention a single person from there, to loving the high school kids there like they were family.
So tonight at approximately 8:53 I'll get to stand up in front of them and tell them about Jesus. And how he's alive!
I am so excited. Not nervous yet. Just pumped. And honored. I know I will be nervous. I always am. (I always consider running for the bathrooms to keep from peeing my pants during the content songs). But for now I'm just ready to share with my friends.
I hope we have a good club.
My teammates will set me up so well. I know it. They rock.
I'm ready to bring it. Lehhh go!

Also, according to a Twitter study, Tennessee is the happiest state in the good ol' USofA. Fist pumps and leg kicks for being from a happy place :)

 How can you not be happy when this is the life you get to live?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Found Pup

Meet Henley/Finnley/Charlie/Ellie/Puppy/Dog/WhatintheworldareyoudoinglivingattheRedSailehouse??

This is our sixth roommate.
I mentioned her yesterday.
Whatta a cutie.
She got rescued from storm on Monday.
We love her.
And are looking for her real parents.
But they have not called.
Or gone to animal shelters.
We don't know.
So here she is.
Loving the backyard.
Puppies aren't bad when they come trained.
She's taking a nap on the couch.
We have no parents here so pet on the furniture are okay with us.
So if you know of someone missing this precious pup, hollar.

Until then, she'll just be one of the Red Saile girls. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

List form

Short, random (typ) post today.
1. I survived class form 8a.m.-7p.m. today. I love dominating Tuesdays.
2. And I have small group in 12 minutes. Stinkin' LOVE my small group! Such a blessing.
3. Sit down to read this folks... I wanna run another half!!!! Someone do it with me this time. I know you can. I want to go fast. So you gotta push me 'cause I'm a wimp.
4. I still have problems with stairs. (see last three words of number 3)
5. I'm talking at club on Thursday. Beyond pumped. I love telling high school kids about Jesus. Have  I mentioned that everything about Halls rocks? :)
6. You most definitely can pray for God's words not mine. Sometimes I have so many words...
7. We have a puppy at our house. Long story, but we gotta find it's momma and daddy.
8. My friends are interviewing to be teachers this week. Three cheers for having AWESOME teachers come from UT!!
9. It's my roommate's birthday tomorrow. So if you see her give her some lovin'.
10. We all survived the highly anticipated storms yesterday.
11. My parents' house has holes in the roof from a tree crashing through though- see number 10.

Something to think about via Albert Einstein. Whatta genius.

"There are two ways to live your life. One as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

Apparently I go to list form when I'm not sure what to blog about... Guess I'm a creature of habit.

Happy Tuesday, Bloggies!

Monday, April 4, 2011

What you've all been waiting for

Since the little blog is looking a bit gray with all these words and not so many pictures, I thought I'd go ahead and throw some SBXI love out there.
Spring break '11 was SO fun. I adored being with my best friends and not having to think about a single thing. Beautiful.
It did start out a little rough with us having a mini disaster in which we ended up spending the first night on my aunt's mother-in-law's condo floor. But praise Jesus it was for the best! Instead of ending up in trashy and totally 100% out of our league Panama City, we got to stay in relaxing, family oriented, much more our style Sea Grove Beach. Perfect.
We talked and read and laughed and took pictures and ate and played in the ocean and ran from jellyfish and went on walks and dance (a lot) and ate ice cream & McDonald's and followed sharks aka copia fish down the beach and watched dolphins and watched basketball (including seeing TN lose big time and putting $10 on our brackets, only to all lose that too) and watched the Bachelor and tried our best to be college-y and stay up late (but failed) and flew kites (thanks neighbs) and loved loved loved the sun and sand and water and beach. Mmmm... I miss it mucho.
SBXI in picture form:

Our first night. A little traumatic. In bed by 9:30.
Fist pumps and legs kicks for finally having our own home sweet home

 Happy faces 'cause we l-o-v-e spring break!

 Such cute friends I have. (Not to sound like Yoda)

We still support our team-even though they lose.

Sandbar love.
For all y'all who are wondering, I am sore today. Oww. Stairs are my arch nemesis right now. But other than wanting to sit down and not move again, I fell great! Yippee for surviving!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Dear Bloggies, I did it. Freaking finished running 13.1 miles.
Dear legs, I am so sorry you hate me so much right now. I promise you'll feel better one day. Maybe not today or tomorrow or the next day-sheesh- but one day you will be able to support my weight without wanting to crumble my body to the ground.
Dear water stations, Literally every time I thought I could not take another step without a sip of water, you would appear and quinch my thirst. Thankyousomuch.
Dear little orange mile markers, You made the run so much easier I think. Only having to make it to the next mile, rather than the next THIRTEEN made me feel better. And you came up so speedily every mile. You rock.
Dear weather, You were absolutely perfect for the run and all day long. Keep up the good work. If your forecast for Monday night/Tuesday changes, I know I wouldn't utter a single complaint. 
Dear Blue Gatorade, You are hard to drink while running. You are all over my gray t-shirt.
Dear Volunteers, Thank you for your smiles and cheers and cups of water and encouragement and time. Literally couldn't have done it without you.
Dear half marathon medal, You make me smile. So much so I took a nap wearing you today.
Dear nap, The three hours we spent together today were terrific. Let's make it a more regular thing, k?
Dear hills, I literally hate you. Everyone said you dominated the Knoxville half, but I didn't believe them. Now I know the truth. And you suck. And that's all I have to say to you.
Dear Everyone in Knoxville that cheered for the runners today, Y'all are a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y the best part of the run. Thank you times a hundred thousand million for cheering us on today. You guys made me want to cry some of the time 'cause I was so stinkin' thankful. I mean, who gets up at 7a.m. and stands in the cold and cheers for strangers?? You do. Holy moly.
Dear all my friends that I didn't even know would be there, y'all rock too. Thanks for doubling up your cheering and sharing the love for me too. Such an encouragement to see faces I knew and hear my name said. Three cheers for you.
Dear marathoners, Y'all literally amaze me. When we got to the split, I was beyond thankful to get to hang a right and head to my dear friend Neyland. I don't see how y'all did it.
Dear the best roommates in the world, Y'all know how to make me feel so stinkin' important and I am so grateful for that. Thanks for making 13.1 miles seem like I saved the entire world. Thanks for being my official photographers and sign holders. I am beyond thankful for you.
Dear family, Thanks for staying in Knox to cheer for me. It makes me feel special that even though I'm in college you still take time to get up early and cheer me on. In all I do. Thanks for always being my biggest fans.
Dear everyone who called/texted/Facebooked today, Good gravy, I did not expect to get so much attention. Talk about making a girl feel special. Thank you for encouraging and building me up and making me feel so dern good. I hope I can be as thoughtful as y'all have been today. Seriously, ALL y'all made me day. Thanks, thanks, thanks.

I'm wondering when is too early to go to bed for the night. 8? Nahhh. Ah... feels so good.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Runnin', runnin'

Tomorrow is the big day! Next time I post I will have completed my first ever half marathon. Hollar! The race starts at 7:30 a.m. so I really gotta hit the hay. But I just wanted to that it's actually happening tomorrow. Hopefully I won't collapse or cry or walk or quit or throw up or run so slow I have to finish after they've opened the roads back up or get lost or anything bad like that. Kidding- none of that will happen. I actually feel really good. A little nervous, but mostly pumped. By the time y'all wake up tomorrow I'll have 13.1 miles under my feet. Welp, gotta run :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

This is NOT an April Fool's Day Post

First of all, if you want to get someone on April Fool's Day, I'm your girl. No joke, I fall for 99% of the jokes played on me (today and always actually). But this one little day of the year I always try to be more cautious/less trusting/questioning of everything, yet the trust everyone/gullible/naive/dumb blonde part of me always still finds a way to prevail on this horrible first day of April. So, with all that being said, you want to feel good about yourself by making someone else look stupid for believing your trick? Here I am world. Waiting to be your source of entertainment. You're so very welcome.
But since this isn't an April Fool's Day post, I want y'all to know... OUR NEW YOUNGLIFE LEADERS STINKIN' ROCK!!!! Disclaimer: I'm sorry for all/any of you people out there who are on YoungLife teams too, because I am on, hands down, the absolute best team in the world. I will say very confidently that we are the closest team in Knoxville. We literally talk every day- you should see our thread- out.of.control. I'm know without a doubt that y'all's teams are great too, mine is just the greatest :) I don't wanna sound like I'm bragging, just super blessed.
Now I gotta admit something... since our team was so awesome and so close and so in sync and doing so well, I wasn't super duper pumped about getting new leaders. I mean I was excited. But only kinda. It's like being excited for the inevitable so you might as well embrace it...? I don't know, either way, they faaaaaaar exceeded my expectations for them. They are a-to the-ewsome. I mean that 100%.
Oh yeah, who are they? Katey McBride, Jessica Renfro, and Tex Fry.
I wish I had pictures of our Wednesday night advertures, but one of my awesome teammates hasn't uploaded them to the good ol' FB yet for me to steal. That's okay, you can still tell they are rockin' just by their names.

I freaking LOVE them!!

This was the Halls team when I first got placed. Good gravy we have changed so much.