Thank you for all comments/texts/calls/tweets at me/facebook messages/wall posts/face to face voting y'all have done. Seriously. One particular phone call all the way from CALI really helped me make up my mind. And I do believe I will get the best of both worlds! But I will most DEFINITELY be called crazy for it. But from what I hear it is 100% worth what I'm going to do. Don't worry, I'll keep you updated.
Since you really came through for me yesterday, I have another HUGE favor to ask y'all.
This is my mom:
Maybe not her best picture, but what really is important here is that cup right there in the middle of the picture. See it?
That cup (and many, many, many others like it) are always, always found in my mom's hand.
What is in this cup you may ask yourself?
What kind of delicious beverage could she be drinking at all times?
Well, bloggies, it is actually ice.
That's right.
My mom ALWAYS has a cup of ice.
Pellet ice to be exact.
She's an addict.
I'm not exaggerating.
Or kidding.
This is real life.
Here she is on one of the happiest days of her life. The begging of the day she found this huge cup at a gas station that she got to fill all the way to the tippy top with ice. Then she went to Dead End Barbque for lunch, later in the day, and what'd ya know- they filled it all the way to the tippy top with ice for her AGAIN.
Would ya look at that face of pure joy?!
Now, you are probably asking, what does your mom's addiction have to do with me?
Allow me to explain...
This is big news, so you might want to sit down to read it...
My mom entered a contest to win-- HER VERY OWN PELLET ICE MACHINE!
Good gravy, this is big time bloggies.
If my mom had her own one of these, we'd all be doing fist pumps and leg kicks every single day. For sure.
My mom spends $8 a week on ice. One again, this is a real life statistic. Maybe hard to believe, but true. For a teacher's salary, this can add up quick. So this is one reason why this win could be oh so significant for Mommy dearest.
So help my mom win a lifetime supply of her very own "calorie free popcorn."
Help us "adult kids" stop having to make Sonic runs for bags of ice on our way home.
Help us have room in our freezer for yummy things like ice cream instead of bags of ice.
Help us not have to plan our meals out based on which restaurants have nugget ice (we know all the ones in Knoxville- I guarantee you that 100%)
Help my mom's checkbook by freeing her from these ice purchases.
All you have to do is go
HERE ( and vote for her. The contest lasts one month, April 20, 2011- May 20, 2011. You can vote one time per email address per day.
Not only is she the most deserving/needy HANDS DOWN, but she also followed the rules best with her oh so witty poem.
So please, please, please be as helpful as you were yesterday!
Help this woman's wildest dreams come true.
But really, it'd make her (and everyone in our family's) day to win. So go vote!