And if you are reading this, I guess you didn't get raptured. Me neither. So since we are all still here, I'll continue my humble little blog...
My all-star sister starred in a play. I'm sure she'll win an Oscar for that performance. Gotta love fifth grade plays. Enthralling. But really, if you want to have your self-esteem built up, go to a fifth grade class at A.L. Lotts, I don't remember the last time I've been told, "You're so pretty" so many times in such a short span of time.
Then the champions had their end of year party. After legit creating a pizza sauna in my car with 12 Little Caesars pizzas, I got to hang out with these champs.
Unfortunately this is the biggest "group picture" we got. I guess that's what you get for letting the kids take over the camera. |
...because why wouldn't you look at the person next to you instead of smiling at the camera?! |
I finally learned how to Fishtail. Who knew it was so easy?! |
We had our first shower for miss bride to be. Brunch was tasty. I would eat it every single day if I could. Mark my words. It was just so fun to get to celebrate her. Less than a month until my sweet friends are married! Unbelievable.
We headed back to the lake after the shower. (Catching a theme in my life?) I love summer.
Then we went to another one of my favorite summer things, the drive-in. The South at our best right there. I love the drive-in. I'll go back next weekend too. I still kept my record going for never having made it through the second movie. I fell asleep on the gravel this time. That was a mistake. I have bruises.
Church and friends and a new umbrella and birthdays. We enjoyed our back porch with good friends. That is probably my favorite part of our house. Please come sit with us on our back porch anytime. This is officially and open invite to all my readers :)
And it was this girl's birthday! ------------------------>
What a cutie!
This is what she really looks like.
Such a fun weekend. Now happy Monday, Bloggies! I hope this week is just as good for all of you as this weekend was for me.
I'm so thankful we are so blessed.
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