When I look around at my life, I cannot help but think, I am a lucky girl. More than lucky, I'm blessed. So blessed. I don't say this to brag or boast, but truly out of a humble heart of gratitude. I may or may not be a bit biased, but I have the absolute best family in the world. My parents love each other and us and others and Jesus. My brothers and sister are playful and happy and my best friends. My core four. And my non-blood-related friends? Second to none. The Red Saile roommates are the best in the world. Honestly, life is good. So good. While it is easy to praise God in the good times, it is almost equally as easy to forget Him. To feel like I don't need Him because life is so sweet. Oh but I do. And I am thankful for that. I love that I can see God in seemingly insignificant moments. In a conversation, in laughter, in friendships, in ordinary everyday life. He is here. Really, there's nothing super special of significant about me or my life, but a God who is and a heart of thankfulness. Jesus in this life of mine is what make it more than ordinary. And I am living for so much more than all the wonderful things of this life. So I will praise Him with a grateful heart.
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe
Hebrews 12:28
Pictures I'm thankful for:
Being on the lake with my best friend

And so much more.
Something else I'm thankful for? Going to Needtobreathe tonight! Here's a little preview of what I'll be experiencing in a few short hours:
Eeeek! Can't wait!
Eeeek! Can't wait!
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