The high schoolers from West and Bearden were so fun and such kids. I so loved spending the day just playing. Just being kids. Such fun.

I am always absolutely stunned by the beauty of God's creation when I'm in the mountains. His majesty and power just so apparent when I look over these breath-taking views.
"Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy"
Psalm 98:8
Mmmm... Our God is so good.
I'm so glad I went. This is really how I want to live my life. All out. Doing everything I can. Living it to the fullest. I don't wanna ever miss a thing. I don't want to look back and wish I had done things I didn't, or wish I'd said "yes" when I said "no." I don't want regrets. And I figure I'll regret more things I don't do, rather than those I do. So here it is. This is my life. One chance. Make the best of it all. Be spontaneous.
Do things. Live it up. Be happy.
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