It's my favorite holiday.
Not a secret fact about me: I say this about every holiday.
But I do love, love, love the fourth.
Lake, friends, summer, fireworks, cookouts, AMERICA- Seriously? What's not to love?!
I love this country. A whole lot.
But I'll save the rest of my American pride for after our actual Independence Day.
I couldn't contain this pride yesterday though.
I'd been seeing a project on Pinterest and finally decided I should probably take the leap and try it.
So I channeled all of my inner craftiness (as well as some problem solving skills) and 100% made up my own way of making these. And I have to say, as a typical East Tennessee redneck, I am pretty pleased with how they turned out:
The ultimate "salute your shorts"... calling all '90s kids here! A little Camp Anawana love.
Anyway, I am SO pumped to wear them on Wednesday. Go Amurica.
Between now and then, though, I HAD to escape this heat.
I do get super pumped when I see on the news that we broke record temperature (I'm not sure who "we" is...). I count myself as being part of the record. Just making my way into history books.
So to get away from this unbelievably hot weather, I'm going on a little road trip.
Next stop: Niagara Falls.
New York.
In the car.
I've never been to Canada, eh.
Can't wait to cross the border to USA's hat and play hockey and put maple syrup on everything and be a lumberjack and figure out just what Canada is all "aboot" (I learned that on the Bachelorette- can I get a round of applause for making two tv show references that people would rather forget about ever watching in ONE post?!)
Disclaimer: I hope no Canadians read this blog. I'm sorry, I was just trying to fit as many stereotypes as possible into one sentence. You can make fun of me for over using "y'all", craving sweat tea, and leaving the "g" of the end of words. Oh, and for turning a pair of jean shorts into an American flag. Let's call it even.
So New York and Canada. That's pretty far.
But comparing the other option my dad seriously considered...

13 hours less?
I'm good with it.
So off to see a giant waterfall I go. I'm still debating between walking across the falls on a wire or going over them in a barrel. It might just be an on the spot decision.
Happy weekend!
Over and out.
i lol'd alot in this post.