This weekend was... extreme. I feel like I totally embraced being a bro. And of course I did not bring my camera. Too anything. I'm failing at that these days.
But I'll verbally recap.
On Saturday I went to the Pro Wakeboard Tour. Gnarlyyy.
This kid was there.
Harley Clifford.
aka wakeboard pro
aka Aussie hottie
aka 17 year old (age is just a number, right?)
aka legit best wakeboarder in the world
aka my crush
Oh and we have the same birthday (4 years apart). If that's not a sign I don't know what is.
Whoa baby I was so star-struck. Going to the Tour was really a treat.
We got in for free. And somehow ended up also getting to be Mastercraft VIPs.
My friend Taylor let some people come out on his boat where we tied up with tons of other boats and watched from the water. I've never seen so many boats tied together. So many people in bathing suits. I kept saying, "This is SO college." Typical me.
But it really was fun. And very impressive.
And made me wanna go wakeboard again.
On Sunday after church we went to the Quarry. Fist pumps and leg kicks for being daredevils and jumping from cliffs and free climbing rock walls. Bad A.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Today I told one of my friends that the best decision I ever made was having a schedule with no class on Fridays. That might be a tad dramatic, but it is seriously glorious.
Three day weekend every week? Mmm. Love it. Even more than Chaco tans.
How about this thought: I'm a senior again?! What the what? Whenever scientists figure out where the time goes and how to slow it down a tad, please someone alert me a.s.a.p. Real world, I am not even a tiny bit ready for you yet!
Anyway, I adore this quote (actually I might have posted it before, and probably will again someday...)
Happy freakin' weekend!
Three day weekend every week? Mmm. Love it. Even more than Chaco tans.
How about this thought: I'm a senior again?! What the what? Whenever scientists figure out where the time goes and how to slow it down a tad, please someone alert me a.s.a.p. Real world, I am not even a tiny bit ready for you yet!
Anyway, I adore this quote (actually I might have posted it before, and probably will again someday...)
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
~ Mary Oliver
Happy freakin' weekend!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
25 is a long time...
Yesterday was my parent's 25th anniversary.
All I can think is, daggum. That's a looooong time to have a crush on somebody.
I try to say I'm still young, I'm only 21(!!). So of course I can't imagine liking someone that much for so long. BUT, my mom was 20 when she married my dad. So much for that reasoning...
I really am proud to call them my mom and dad. I'm proud to say they've been married for a fourth of a century. I'm proud to say they are still in love. And I'm proud of the job they've done in raising me and my brothers and sister.
My dad has shown me every day of his life (whether he realizes it or not) what kind of man I should be looking for to marry. Not just in the way he treats his own wife, but how he treats me. I'm think my parents are beginning to wonder if they've done too good a job at this and they won't ever have grandkids :) - Let's hope I'm mostly kidding here... My dad supports my mom in all she does. Not only does he have a job himself, but he also plays "Mr. Mom", taking us to school and practice and made my lunch (what wouldn't I give to have that again?!- I just ate a handful of Peanut M&M's for lunch- yay college!). My dad had made sure none of us- his wife and all four kids- never had to do without. Anything. And I will be grateful for his love for as long as I live. My dad loves his wife so well. He encourages and love her. He is witty and creative in showing his love. And I adore it. I've found notes left around the house of "Reasons why I love you..." for my mom many times. I will be incredible lucky if I can find a man half as wonderful as my dad is to my mom. I am a Daddy's girl through and through.
My mom loves my dad too. She cooks yummy dinners for when he comes home from work. And buys sweet tea because he and I like it. She tells him when he's getting out of control and needs to take it down a few notches. I guess they balance each other out pretty well. Without her who knows where my dad would be??
My parents have taught me so well. I hope they are proud of how I've turned out. I feel like they've done a good job. I feel so blessed that they've demonstrated to me and my siblings what true love looks like and how a marriage should work, with Christ at the center. It's not always easy but it's worth it. It's always worth it.
Happy 25th anniversary to the 'rents!
All I can think is, daggum. That's a looooong time to have a crush on somebody.
I try to say I'm still young, I'm only 21(!!). So of course I can't imagine liking someone that much for so long. BUT, my mom was 20 when she married my dad. So much for that reasoning...
I really am proud to call them my mom and dad. I'm proud to say they've been married for a fourth of a century. I'm proud to say they are still in love. And I'm proud of the job they've done in raising me and my brothers and sister.
My dad has shown me every day of his life (whether he realizes it or not) what kind of man I should be looking for to marry. Not just in the way he treats his own wife, but how he treats me. I'm think my parents are beginning to wonder if they've done too good a job at this and they won't ever have grandkids :) - Let's hope I'm mostly kidding here... My dad supports my mom in all she does. Not only does he have a job himself, but he also plays "Mr. Mom", taking us to school and practice and made my lunch (what wouldn't I give to have that again?!- I just ate a handful of Peanut M&M's for lunch- yay college!). My dad had made sure none of us- his wife and all four kids- never had to do without. Anything. And I will be grateful for his love for as long as I live. My dad loves his wife so well. He encourages and love her. He is witty and creative in showing his love. And I adore it. I've found notes left around the house of "Reasons why I love you..." for my mom many times. I will be incredible lucky if I can find a man half as wonderful as my dad is to my mom. I am a Daddy's girl through and through.
My mom loves my dad too. She cooks yummy dinners for when he comes home from work. And buys sweet tea because he and I like it. She tells him when he's getting out of control and needs to take it down a few notches. I guess they balance each other out pretty well. Without her who knows where my dad would be??
My parents have taught me so well. I hope they are proud of how I've turned out. I feel like they've done a good job. I feel so blessed that they've demonstrated to me and my siblings what true love looks like and how a marriage should work, with Christ at the center. It's not always easy but it's worth it. It's always worth it.
Happy 25th anniversary to the 'rents!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Ups and downs
I've been meaning to publish this for awhile. Forgive me!!
Woooow. Whatta first week back it's been.
This week was legit crazy. Here's just some good and bad things about this past week...
Monday- On Monday morning I'm totally convinced that every YoungLife leader in Knoxville (including me and my team) got up early and drove to the high schools to see their high friends on their first day back. This blessed my heart. So much.
Wednesday started classes. They were actually pretty good... until they got canceled. Oh. My. Word. Insert huge freak out panic moment here. I needed comfort and sympathy and the lady in the Bursar's office definitely wasn't the one to provide it. And neither were some of the other people I turned to first. In my mind I knew it would be okay, but that did not stop an overwhelming sense of panic from creeping in. And lots of tears. I'm a wimp. But thank goodness for friends who've "been there, done that" with having schedules dropped. I will forever be in debt to those who calmed me down. But it's all okay now.
One good thing that came out of my trip to the Bursar's office is, I'm pretty sure I maybe might have met my future husband in line. Sparks were flying. I think it's what's called "love at first sight". Too bad I don't know his name.
Another good thing is getting to hang out with the new neighbs every day/night. It's so great having friends so close. One of the boys houses is calling me their sixth roommate. I guess this is okay until I start having to pay rent.
I finally got to go wakeboarding again (good) but didn't do well at all (bad).
I went to Cookout two days in a row. I'm totally convinced Christians have the best food (In-N-Out, Chickfila, Cookout... must I go on?!). De-to the-licious. But even better- cheap!! Cookout, oh how I love thee.
And, we love making midnight runs to Krispy Kreme with the neighbors. This is also very good.
Friday night, once again I was reminded of how much a adore being a part of this ministry called YoungLife as so many of my friends went to the first football games of the season. Halls actually won! We're breaking our 0-10 streak from last year. Wahoo! Sometimes I weird myself out with the loyalty I feel towards the Red Devils...
These are the days I love (and hate) college.
Woooow. Whatta first week back it's been.
This week was legit crazy. Here's just some good and bad things about this past week...
Monday- On Monday morning I'm totally convinced that every YoungLife leader in Knoxville (including me and my team) got up early and drove to the high schools to see their high friends on their first day back. This blessed my heart. So much.
Wednesday started classes. They were actually pretty good... until they got canceled. Oh. My. Word. Insert huge freak out panic moment here. I needed comfort and sympathy and the lady in the Bursar's office definitely wasn't the one to provide it. And neither were some of the other people I turned to first. In my mind I knew it would be okay, but that did not stop an overwhelming sense of panic from creeping in. And lots of tears. I'm a wimp. But thank goodness for friends who've "been there, done that" with having schedules dropped. I will forever be in debt to those who calmed me down. But it's all okay now.
One good thing that came out of my trip to the Bursar's office is, I'm pretty sure I maybe might have met my future husband in line. Sparks were flying. I think it's what's called "love at first sight". Too bad I don't know his name.
Another good thing is getting to hang out with the new neighbs every day/night. It's so great having friends so close. One of the boys houses is calling me their sixth roommate. I guess this is okay until I start having to pay rent.
I finally got to go wakeboarding again (good) but didn't do well at all (bad).
I went to Cookout two days in a row. I'm totally convinced Christians have the best food (In-N-Out, Chickfila, Cookout... must I go on?!). De-to the-licious. But even better- cheap!! Cookout, oh how I love thee.
And, we love making midnight runs to Krispy Kreme with the neighbors. This is also very good.
Friday night, once again I was reminded of how much a adore being a part of this ministry called YoungLife as so many of my friends went to the first football games of the season. Halls actually won! We're breaking our 0-10 streak from last year. Wahoo! Sometimes I weird myself out with the loyalty I feel towards the Red Devils...
These are the days I love (and hate) college.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Feelin' hot, hot, hot!
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Before we dragged our mattresses downstairs too. |
Mis- as in miserable. So in the meantime I've been having real sleepovers and couch surfing until Saturday when it's finally fixed. We Red Sailers will also be loving anyone who bring us buckets of cold water, freezers, ice cream (you can bring that even when we do have AC again), fans, or handful of ice cubes. Slip-n-slide? Water ballon fights? Hit us up.
But the good news is at least it's only a high of 90 for today and tomorrow. Whatta relief.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Nerd mode
I'm still getting over my depression of finishing Harry Potter. Although I am finally seeing the last movie tonight- fist pumps and leg kicks for that! In the meantime, I'd like to thank The Hunger Games for being more than enough entertainment. Go, go, go and get these books pronto! (I've only read the first one but I finished it in one day. My fingers are itching for the second!!)
That's pretty much what the past few days have consisted of. Reading and being reunited with friends. Insert that "Reunited and it feels so good" song here.
Side note: I don't think I even know that song at all...
And of course going to Mooya also known as my new favorite place. Turkey burger? Yes please. It's almost like having my very own In-N-Out right down the street. And I'm pretty sure they love Jesus too. They're just so nice. Uh oh... another craving is coming on. I'm going to need an intervention soon.
So all that being said, if anyone else has any good books now is that time to share them with me. I'm on a roll. We can go to Mooya and discuss the symbolism and motifs. Just kiddin' about that last part- I don't miss high school English that much. Everything else I'm 100% serious about though. Mean it.
Over and out Bloggies
That's pretty much what the past few days have consisted of. Reading and being reunited with friends. Insert that "Reunited and it feels so good" song here.
Side note: I don't think I even know that song at all...
And of course going to Mooya also known as my new favorite place. Turkey burger? Yes please. It's almost like having my very own In-N-Out right down the street. And I'm pretty sure they love Jesus too. They're just so nice. Uh oh... another craving is coming on. I'm going to need an intervention soon.
So all that being said, if anyone else has any good books now is that time to share them with me. I'm on a roll. We can go to Mooya and discuss the symbolism and motifs. Just kiddin' about that last part- I don't miss high school English that much. Everything else I'm 100% serious about though. Mean it.
Over and out Bloggies
Friday, August 5, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Happy Fourth of... August?
I know I missed the 4th of July blog posting opportunity, actually I'm exactly one month late, but in a moment of patriotism I just had to blog
Hip hip hooray for America!
Now, let me just say, I always love this country. And I am so, so thankful to live here. But after watching The Patriot with our new neighbors then seeing Surprise Homecoming on TLC (not to mention the womens World Cup a couple weeks ago- so close...) I just had to do fist pumps and leg kicks for this place.
So I think today I will wear red, white, and blue and really appreciate living in this one nation under God.
Hip hip hooray for America!
Now, let me just say, I always love this country. And I am so, so thankful to live here. But after watching The Patriot with our new neighbors then seeing Surprise Homecoming on TLC (not to mention the womens World Cup a couple weeks ago- so close...) I just had to do fist pumps and leg kicks for this place.
So I think today I will wear red, white, and blue and really appreciate living in this one nation under God.
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Go Amurica |
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
I took a blogging hiatus for the month of July. Why? Because I felt like it.
Anyway, I am back, Bloggies?
So what have you missed this month of July?
Anyway, I am back, Bloggies?
So what have you missed this month of July?
- Lots and lots of Spanish. Thank goodness that is over and done with for-ev-ver. Thank you Squints for perfectly matching my enthusiasm for the meaning of forever. Still no hablo espanol though.
- Also lots of hanging out with this cutie.
- The 4th of July! We went back to Topsail. Our house is g-o-n-e. But we stayed in a much bigger and much nicer house than ours. So we all accepted it with open arms. I'm glad that Shark Week is now, not a month ago.
- Life just feels good at the beach.
- We also went to the g'rent's condo in HHI. I have so many memories of that place.
- I read and watched the entire Harry Potter series in two weeks. Insert nerd jokes here.
- Playing soccer. And sweating 200 liters. Yum.
- #lakethings of course. What better is there to do in summer in Tennessee? I dare ya to find an answer to that.
- New roomies and new neighbs. Fist pumps and leg kicks for both.
Blogger is making it way too hard to put up pictures with the words. So here are pictures for your viewing pleasure!
We go for the wind-blown look Practically pros
...unlike Andy :)
We got caught in a monsoon on the lake on Taylor's birthday. Hence the boys huddling together. Although, I wouldn't be shocked if they were cuddled up just for fun.
Note to self(/ves): when the sky gets eerily dark, book it back to the marina!
Oh how I wish everyday was cow day. What wouldn't I do for free Chick-fil-a?
Dad and I drove through a storm on the way home from HHI, but we came out to some pretty spectacular skies. This is what happens when you end up being the only girl on a lake day. The boys beat you up. True life.
Over and out homies!
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