The title of this blog really has very little to do with this post, except for I loved Fall this weekend, but here's a little music to jam to while you read....
Good news: my tests are over.
Good news: I finished my 20 page paper.
Bad news: I found out my teacher moved it back to next Monday, once I got to class last night. Are you freaking kidding me?
Good news: I'm already done with it!
Good news: One whoooole week of (mostly) freedom. Or at least not having to think about a stinkin' 20 page paper all week.
Good news: This week was awe-to the-some. I adore fall.
And this weekend was fall to the max.
And despite having a 20 page paper due on Monday, I still lived it up this weekend.
It stared off on Thursday night at the Ryan Long concert with some of my sweet Halls friends. We loooove Ryan!
On Friday night we had leadership. Which I always love. (Side note: I've had enough up front at leadership attention to last a lifetime.)
Then we had movie night at Red Saile!
I don't know why I didn't take pictures of this. It was a scary movie watchin', hot chocolate and apple cider drinkin' cookie eatin', blanket snugglin' truck sittin' corn poppin' good time.
But really, it was an overwhelming, crowded, crazy blast. We'll for sure do it again sometime!
Then on Saturday after watching this girl dominate her state cross country meet (she won a bet I made). So proud of this kid...
Newly Braceface. Love her so much. |
Becca feeding the wildlife. And Kendall unsure what to think. |
Perfect pumpkin picking is a particular process. (How's that for alliteration?!) |
This pumpkin patch was in Halls and it was fabulous. GO! We got apples and cider and delicious baby pies. And pumpkins. Duh.
After the pumpkin patch we watched our Vols get dominated by Bama. I hate Alabama. But if ya gotta watch your team lose (again) might as well do it in a house full of good food and good friends! Followed by a celebratory bonfire for still having team spirit through think and thin! GBO.
Sunday, funday was church followed by me spending all day writing my "not-due-until-next-Monday-I-have-got-to-learn-how-to-use-email" paper.
Seriously, I am so thankful for this weekend. And for this life.
Thank you, God, for giving me a life I don't deserve!