The Red Saile House.
Where WE ---------->
They are my roomies and they are precious.
This is the house that has been "ours" for almost four months (weird):
It may not look like much from the outside, but it is awesome. Already it holds SO many laughs and even more memories. Good luck gettin' me to move out of here anytime soon.
Here's a little "virtual tour"...
This is one of my very favorite parts of the house. We painted the door with chalkboard paint and all of our friends write on it when they come over. Unfortunately, it was getting a little full so we had to erase it... But don't worry, we'll just start over!
wonderful furniture.
Side note: O.P. Jenkins is the best!
Whenever you need decorate a house head to them. I really can't say enough about how great this family is and all they've done for me and my friends over the years.
And this is my room!
Most people who come over can't help but comment on the size, but I like it, I really do. I have nothing to complain about. I haven't always had this attitude about my little yellow room, but I can't help but think about Nicaragua. It's not too hard to change my mind about the situation when I remember them... Anyway, that's my room which I just l-o-v-e.
Our front and back yards. I am crazy about our porch. We have a grill and although we haven't used it yet, I like the idea that we have one and we COULD use it if we wanted! The porch is the perfect place to study. Especially now that it's kinda cool outside. So nice.
That lovely tree in our front yard is an apple tree.
Little baby apples have been growing and falling into the grass, which is so great and so Fall...
BUT these little baby apples turn in to an obstacle course when you run through the front yard. I have fallen TO THE GROUND twice(!!) because of these things. It's like trying to run on marbles. But they are tasty and make me think of fall so of course I'll tolerate them.
And that is a little tour of our little Red Saile house. We have so many more memories to make. I just love this place!
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