I gotta brag on my little sis for a minute... Meet Addie.

She's the giggly, thoughtful, sassy, OCD, loving, genius, talented, girly-girl, crazy, athletic, non-stop cleaning, ultimate organizing, witty, beautiful, attention-seeking, hilarious, total-opposite-of-me, ten-year-old I get to call my baby sister. I prayed from the time I was seven until I was ten for God to give me a little sister (Drew just wasn't cuttin' it), and he gave me the most wonderful girl of them all! Addison Claire Crawford. (aka ACC, after Daddy's school North Carolina. Go Heels) I always say we look nothing alike (I'm so jealous of her huge blue eyes and naturally curly blonde hair),

but others say differently, like all six of us (even my parents) are clones of each
other- weird.

This girl is the fourth best elementary school cross country runner in the state of Tennessee.
A mile in 6:08, not too shabby. Not only that, but she's on the second best soccer team in the state.
They lost to the number one team on Sunday 2-3.
Their first loss of the season.

Girl Power is their team name and they are all-stars. Seriously, they are incredible. Afterall, how many kids are 28-1 their ten year old season?

Not only is Addie super athletic, but she is stunning. All the boys are already crazy about her. And she is so smart. In fact, she's never made anything but A's (or are they E's in elementary school??) on her report card.
Can you say "Best All Around"??
I always say I'm glad I'm the oldest because I'd hate to have to follow in her shoes. She can thank me and Drew for setting the bar low. :) But really, I am just SO proud of her. And oh so thankful to have her as my baby sister. Life just wouldn't be the same without ya, Add. Wish I showed it more, but I love you more than you know.

Oh, and Sam? Well, he definitely has good looks going for him. Isn't he such a stud?! As long as we're giving out superlatives, "Best Looking" class of 2020.
Here he is ladies and gents!
“Always remember, there was nothing worth sharing like the love that let us share our name.”
-Avett Brothers