My obsession with summertime makes me realize I have most definitely chosen the right profession. I'm clinging to the last few hours of sweet summertime and comforting myself with the fact that I will never have to give up these beloved months of warmth, sun, water, and happiness. Don't get me wrong, I love, love, love the crisp fall air, new school supplies, football games, and new friends that come with each school year, but I am crazy about the three great months I get in between old classes and new ones. My countdown 'till summer tells me that I have negative 101 days until this great break. So what have I done with these past one hundred and one days? Trips to the lake, ice cream outings, tennis matches, and laughter made up most of my days. I was also lucky enough to get to spend a week at Windy Gap, a week in San Diego, California, and a week in upstate New York. All beautiful places and are each included on my list of places I totally wouldn't mind living (but all on the list behind Knoxville, of course).
First summer adventure: Baking at Windy Gap

This is our friend Morgan. She learned that it is impossible to eat a spoonful of cinnamon.

We made LOTS (I mean tons) of food that week. And lots of giggles. And lots of secrets. And lots of memories. Something about spending hours in a burning hot kitchen brings people together. Such a fun week with new friends and old.
Big adventure number two was to the west coast: San Diego

Jamie and I got to pretend to be "Cal-i-for-nia Girls" for a week in beautiful So Cal.

We spent our days drivin' down the 101 and and singing "California here we cooooome" at the top of our lungs. We got to see my teammate Tyler who is living the life right outside of San Diego teaching tennis and surfing lessons. Doesn't get much better than that, huh? Two of our other friends were out there too and they entertained us while Tyler worked. Horse races, surfer dudes, volleyball, LOTS of In 'n Out, The O.C., nose piercings and of course, the famous San Diego Zoo were all experienced.

Jamie and I weren't old enough to bet at the races which probably was a good thing for both of us since I could possibly be the most unlucky person alive. But we had fun watching and cheering for our friend's bets. Most of them even came out on top.
The zoo was B-I-G. There's no other way to describe it.
We had never had In N' Out before and we sure did make up for that. During our five day trip we had it four times. You could say we were fans.
Nothing left to say but "stay classy San Diego!"
Our last trip led us to the Empire state

My friends call us the "Core Four." The four of us loaded up for a 14 hour drive to upstate New York where Taylor is from. The northerns swear by this place call Chipotle, but honestly it ain't got nothin' on Moe's. We spent the week at Taylor's family's cottage on one of the finger lakes.

Both of the guys are awesome wakeboarders so Jamie and I usually just ride in the boad and capture their tricks on Grant's fancy camera. But I did get out of the boat and show Taylor's high school friends a thing or two about tubing. It was so crazy being in New York but not the city. I feel like so often people (including me) kinda forget that there's more to the state of New York than just NYC. It was so beautiful up there. I'd love to go back sometime even though it means being made fun of for my accent constantly :)
There's so much more these past 101 days but too much to share all at once. I'm so thankful for yet another fun, safe summer with great friends. But now I think I hear those school bells ringing... Time to hit the books.
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