Sunday, March 10, 2013

He Put a Ring On It

Procrastination at it's finest meets my love of love...

I've been trying to hold back blogging about this until Jenn had a chance to. BUT I JUST CAN'T RESIST IT ANYMORE!
Since I love words and I love love (and writing commentary for grad school just isn't doin' it for me) I feel like I am doing the world a disfavor by not blogging about this.


 Swoon to the max.
Sorry for the PDA, Bloggies, but this is just too good to hold back.
I really will let Jenn share the story on her blog (one of these days...) but from my perspective it was absolutely magical. Although I'm about 96% sure I gave myself gray hairs the week leading up to the engagement, as I did everything I could to not blow the surprise to Jenn. If you know me, even a little bit, you know that I am the furthest thing from subtle. (Insert area for self-improvement.) Sweet Ryan Facebook messaged the "Bearden Crew" with his brilliant plan. (Another side note here: How many fist pumps and leg kicks can I do every morning for still being BFFs with the girls I went to high school with?! #Blessed. But seriously.) Our job was easy. Get Jenn to go to dinner at Calhoun's. On the river. At 6:00. On a Saturday night. Really it sounds easy, but when our typical go to dinners are to places like Moe's on Northshore or Chickfila DTO, Calhoun's on the river is stepping it up significantly. Jenn went for it though. And Saturday night has us screeching into the parking lot on two wheels. Running late as usual, we were desperately trying to beat Jenn there (who refused to carpool with the rest of us). We had to work our magic and pull some strings, but we were able to jump line and get the next available table. Even one overlooking the river. I'm sure the people waiting ahead of us were not happy at this little maneuver but OUR FRIEND WAS GETTING ENGAGED. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Plus, we couldn't let Ryan down. Once Jenn finally found a parking spot and made it in (and after Reba had 100% made her feel like a goof for creating a completely fictional (although truly scaringly accurate) scenario in her head in which she got engaged that night) we made small talk and tried our hardest to be normal. (Note: Trying to be normal typically has the opposite of the desired effect.) Jenn grilled Cassie on her boyfriend and her "job interview" (which she had been praying for) while the rest of tried to calmly talk about what we were ordering and how mundane and totally uneventful our weeks had been. Ryan snuck into the restaurant and up behind Jenn. He asked if she could step outside, he had a question to ask her. To which she replied, "Me?!" 
Jenn will seriously have to take it from here. She's much better at finishing the story. But from our perspective, we giggled and shrieked and told our waitress and everyone who would listen about what was happening. Meanwhile, Ryan took Jenn to a swing where they talked and he showed her a book he made her of the timeline of their relationship. Then he asked her to be his wife. EEP! And two of our friends did their part and shot of fireworks in remembrance of Jenn and Ryan's first date: Boomsday. Classic. When we heard the fireworks from inside I'm pretty sure we reacted even more overly excited than Jenn did.
Ryan and Jenn came back in and showed us the ring and we ooohed and awwed and shrieked some more. I'm tell y'all, it was magical. They then stopped at every table on their way out to see their families as everyone in the whole restaurant was now invested in this newly engaged couple. Not that we were causing a scene of course...
We all met back at Jenn's house, the Cheetah, for a surprise party. Absolutely perfect.
Jenn got engaged two weeks ago and both Saturdays since then I've been hoping for us to get to relive that night. Or at least get to throw another engagement party soon!
Jenn- So beyond excited for you! Now BLOG! :)

Beaden BFFs

So excited I almost squeezed her tiny hand off. Sorry JCam/JBlack :)
 I want to put up more pictures (because I love every single one of them so stinkin' much!!!) but I'll let Jenn share. YAY YAY YAY! Congrats future Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn!

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