Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day, 2nd Grade Style

Who doesn't miss the days when everyone gets a Valentine?!
That's one of the many reasons Valentine's Day is significantly better in second grade than it is in the real world.
I love second grade and I love love! The best of it all! 
I hate the way these things taste, but I would be totally fine with using them as my main form of communication. "Smile" and "Hug Me". What more do you need?! :)

We had a challenging math topic today (division in 2nd grade-whaaat?!). So we made it fun with heart mats and candy to sort! Conversation hearts > proverbial cars/blocks/rubber ducks
We made these bags for "Morning Work". Why not go ahead and get the kiddos overly excited for V-Day before 8a.m.?! Good thinking Ms. Crawford.

But really, they are so cute. And I loved all the red and pink food and plates and decorations all over our room. Such a fun day!

My goodies. Love all the Star Wars themed cards. And the camo duct tape bracelet. I LOVE THESE KIDDOS!

To: Mrs. Crowferd. I need to learn to enunciate.
This is what I gave the class. They LOVED them. Note: Glow sticks are always a hit with 7 and 8 year olds!
I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!
And I hope you know how truly you are loved.
Happy Friday, Bloggies!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Elementary School Rocks

Elementary school is a magical place.
I spend more time talking to children than I do adults. 
I leave every day with my hands covered with paint and Crayola markers.
I live in a land of glitter and tinsel and ribbon.
I spin jump ropes and know more about Pokemon cards than I'd like to admit.
I don't use big words.
I live off of coffee.
I talk at max volume.
I perform all day long.
I dance, I sing, I RAP!
(I think those last few might be directly correlated to my love of coffee.)
I think that any math past simple multiplication facts requires a calculator.
I think suits are stuffy.
I have a desk. That is piled with stuff.
I have a rolling chair. That doesn't see much action.
I'm glad these two things don't have feelings. They'd probably be suffering from separation anxiety and severe feelings of under appreciation. 
The thought of having a "grown up" job where I'd have to learn to sit in and make use of such things makes me want to cry.
I can't imagine not being able to crawl around and play.   
I hear BIG dreams every day.
I hear crazy stories.
I listen to sadness.
I give hugs.
I dry tears.
I put on Band Aids.
I break up fights.
I watch friendships form and grow.
I say "I love you." 
I laugh and I laugh and I laugh.
I have more stories than I can count.
After all, #secondgradeissilly ;)
Everyday I get to tell kids they matter.
I get to tell them they are loved.
I get to tell them that they can make a difference.
I am blessed beyond belief.
I know that it is so rare to get to do what you love every single day.
I have my dream "job" at 23. (And I knew it way before now).
Someone come slap me if I ever take this for granted. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

A Pep Talk from Kid President

I'm sure all y'all have seen this by now. But just in case...

I love this kid.